Engaging the Referral Economy Through Plentix

Plentix ICO
3 min readFeb 21, 2018


As marketing strategies evolve, it has become evident that a targeted and direct approach to prospective customers is a powerful way to amplify any business. Customers are more likely to listen to a friend or relative than an ad they saw on the street or on social media. Referrals have been around for as long as businesses have existed, and word-of-mouth continues to be one of the most effective customer-conversion strategies. What if there was a way to bank on the referral concept and integrate technology into it?

Human Relationships and Innovation

People’s relationship with the market has changed over the years with the growth of social media. More and more people are growing more critical and wary of marketing tricks from big corporations. This growing sense of distrust has made it increasingly challenging for businesses to reach out to their target audience at an effective and efficient level. However, the growing popularity and usage of social media has made it increasingly easier for people miles away from each other to share experiences, services, and products they have tried.

In addition to growing steadily distrustful, people are growing watchful as well. They follow each other, find out who has gone where, where was what done, and what was bought where. All these questions can now be answered without even having a real conversation — simply scan a person’s posts or browse their online profiles.

This opens an entirely new door to businesses everywhere — people are now able to recommend and make decisions about certain services or products remotely. Even from great distances, a potential customer can make the decision to avail of your service based on a referral.

Plentix banks on this global connectivity by creating a community-oriented platform that aims to boost a business’ revenue. By building a direct relationship with its customers through a referral network, it allows the business owner to speak to a potential customer through the voice of a trusted individual. This focused approach will save many businesses from hefty marketing expenses that give far lower conversion results. Unlike your regular digital marketing technique, a rewards program from Plentix banks on trust and real human connections to attract a new customer.

Plentix Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

Plentix goes beyond your basic rewards program — it offers rewards not only for the referees but also for the referrers, with direct control by the business owners. Both the referees and the referrers have the option to redeem their rewards via in-store discounts or payment through the Plentix token “Plenty”.

Businesses and the general public may purchase Plentys through the Plentix Initial Coin Offering or ICO, an event when project tokens will be sold to early adapters or enthusiasts in exchange for funding. This will allow the Plentix project to grow while involving the community at the same time. These tokens can then be used to build a buyer’s business referral program.

A community and social project, Plentix is the channel through which businesses can connect with their customers and build trust. It is your virtual shared space with people you love and trust from all over the world, giving benefits to all parties involved. With Plentix, it’s not just a win-win situation; it’s a win-win-win for everyone.



Plentix ICO

Decentralized app & platform aiming to transform the referral economy! Learn more at http://plentix.io/