Alex PliutauinITNEXTDatabase migrations in KubernetesIn-app migrations, initContainers, Kubernetes Job and Helm Hooks.6d ago16d ago1
Alex PliutauinITNEXTDifferent ways of working with SQL Databases in GoComparing database/sql, sqlx, GORM and sqlc.Sep 23Sep 23
Alex PliutauinITNEXTMy first experience with OCamlRecently I’ve been motivated to learn more about functional programming and the name OCaml came up quite a few times.Sep 17Sep 17
Alex PliutauinITNEXTCentrally Collecting Events from Go MicroservicesMicroservices, Events, gRPC, BigQuery, Metabase.Sep 12Sep 12
Alex PliutauinITNEXTStatically and Dynamically Linked Go BinariesExamining the Go binaries and linkers.Sep 91Sep 91
Alex PliutauinITNEXTHow Namespaced Cache Keys Improve Service InteroperabilityMore than just random keys in a Redis.Sep 4Sep 4
Alex PliutauinITNEXTHow to Deploy Preview Environments on Kubernetes with GitHub ActionsTesting deployed code before it’s merged in total isolation from your real traffic.Aug 313Aug 313
Alex PliutauinITNEXTMy first experience with Gleam LanguageRead the original article on pliutau.comAug 27Aug 27
Alex PliutauinITNEXTHow to implement Server-Sent Events in GoBuilding Real-Time Applications with Efficient, Unidirectional CommunicationAug 221Aug 221
Alex PliutauinITNEXTEmulating real dependencies in Integration Tests using TestcontainersRead the original article on packagemain.techAug 14Aug 14