What is PlootStars and how do you mint one (for free)?

2 min readSep 28, 2021


Every metaverse deserves its stars. Meet PlootStars, the true p0rnstars of NFT! They are 6969 stars of the NFT universe, all on-chain, sometimes in-chains, on-demand. Use them in your Loot, Bloot and other metaverses!

The official OpenSea link is here: https://opensea.io/collection/plootstars

This is a Bloot/Loot related project that generates one of 6969 pornstar characters. They might look like this:

Meet PlootStar #6388
Meet PlootStar #420

It’s FREE to mint on contract only. HOW?

Step 1: Visit the PlootStars Etherscan contract page. This is the contract address: 0xF0eA8eb85e38950b460B014537D753014790c667

Step 2: Connect your Metamask wallet by clicking on the ‘Connect to Web3’ button.

Click on the Connect to Web3 button to connect your wallet.

Step 3: Click on the MINT button and pick a number. Then click WRITE.
IMPORTANT!!! If gas prices are high, that number is gone. Pick another one.

Alternate Step 3: If you are a Bloot holder, you can mint a matching PlootStar. Click on mintWithBloot. Put in your bloot# and click WRITE.

Voila. You’re done. Now you need to work out how to reveal your PlootStar on the OpenSea listing. :)

Wait, you must be thinking, why can’t I see my PlootStar? Yes, the image ‘forever loads’ on OpenSea but we did this deliberately! Why? Given the puerile nature of the project, we purposely introduced an error in our smart contract code so that the image ‘censors’ itself to the public.

Also, we don’t believe in limiting our stars to the size of a single JPG/PNG. They live on in code forever. If you want to see them, you can, but you will need to work out a way to do that. It’s a secret…

Official Links:
OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/plootstars
Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xf0ea8eb85e38950b460b014537d753014790c667#writeContract




We are the creators of PlootStars, 6969 on-chain NFT pornstars. Mint on contact. Also on OpenSea. A Bloot/Loot related project.