What You Need to Keep in Mind While Buying Large 3D Printers!

Plotter City
3 min readApr 24, 2018


3D printers and replicators, unlike standard printers, replicate any design in 3 dimensional objects. It uses various types of plastic, fibers and other mouldable material as ‘ink’ to print. To operate a 3D printer properly you need to have a clear blueprint of the object you want to be printed. 3D printers have changed the way design and functionality of products. This has ensured a big leap for humankind towards greater design efficiency, faster manufacturing techniques and cost-effective innovation.

How do Large 3D printers work?

Large 3D printers are delivered dissembled. While unpacking, read the instructions manual carefully and assemble the components properly. Once you have completely arranged the 3D printer properly, you will have to load the printer with printing materials like the fibre or plastic spools which will eventually fuel your designs.

The material loaded in the spool is fed to the printer which melts the plastic and moulds it into a design by geometrically structuring the nuzzle to the glass platform provided as base.

In order to execute a print, you will require a 3D blueprint to the design you wish to create. Feed the blueprint into the machine through Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or a data card.

Pro Tip: There are other crucial facts for operating a large 3D Printer. Using a measurement card provided along with the printer you will have to adjust the distance between the nuzzle and the base glass platform. If the distance is too high, then your design will have breaks in them. If they are too low, the design will have bumps and unevenness around it. Use the card as a measuring scale. Tighten the lever till the point where it becomes slightly hard for you to pull the card out.

What to look for in large 3D printers?

There are many large 3D printers available in the market. But we would suggest you to choose your brand wisely. It is highly debatable about which brand has the best range of large 3D printers, but what you can do is hire a vendor agency!

Vendor Agencies in Australia like Plottercity has years of experience in vending printers. They have amazing discounts, maintenance and service offers and you can easily afford.

On top of this, every business has different needs and requirement. When you talk about large 3D printers, many agencies have a different approach towards it regarding the frequency of usage, quantity of print output and many other variables. Hence, depending on your needs only a vendor agency can help you make the right choice. If you don’t buy the right large 3D printer for businesses, then there is a good chance that you might run into losses and may not be able to conduct business properly.

Make sure you have a dedicated agency that runs your errands and does your work for you.

