Five questions to ask when you’re unsure about your relationship

April C.
3 min readNov 20, 2023


If you have doubts about your relationship, there are five honest questions you should try asking yourself to help clarify things. These questions are designed to help you better understand your feelings and evaluate the strength of your relationship.

1. If someone told you, “You’re a lot like your partner” Would this be a compliment to you?

2. Are you truly fulfilled or just less lonely?

3. Are you able to be unapologetically yourself ? Or Do you feel the need to show up differently to please your partner?

4. Are you in love with who your partner is right now as a whole? Or Are you only in love with their good side, their potential, or the idea of them?

5. Would you want your future or imagined child to date someone like your partner?

You often take care of your partner and ensure they are okay, don’t you?

And they are also taking care of themselves to make sure they are okay, aren’t they?


“Who is taking care of you?”


It’s common to prioritize taking care of your partner and ensuring their well-being. However, it’s equally important to ensure you’re okay too.

While it’s vital to put others first sometimes, you shouldn’t do it at your own expense. You need to balance caring for your loved ones and taking care of yourself. Your empathy towards others must not come at the cost of your well-being.

Remember, you deserve to be taken care of, too.

At some point in life, you must reflect on whether you’re experiencing genuine empathy or caught in a toxic relationship cycle.

Never see yourself through the eyes of people who cannot see you. Sometimes people around you make you feel like shit; the good news is that you get to decide your worth and your value.

Many people assume that connection and chemistry are permanent.

Unfortunately, they aren’t…

When things go wrong, couples must ask, “How can we fix it? How can we fight in a way that won’t break us, but instead make us grow together and learn from it?”

It can be really tough when your partner doesn’t treat you with respect, and you feel like they’re more focused on themselves and their own feelings than on your relationship. If you’re finding that this is having a negative impact on your mental health and wellbeing, it might be time to consider walking away. Remember that you deserve to be in a relationship where you feel safe, valued, and appreciated.

I think sometimes you forget that you deserve better. You forget that people are not supposed to treat you like that. That they are not supposed to walk all over you.

You have a big heart and that’s a good thing, but it gets you in trouble when you give it to the wrong people…

Don’t settle for what you deserve. Fight for what you do deserve.

Your time is precious and they’ve already had enough of your time.

They don’t deserve it anymore.

As Ray said in “Uptown Girls”:

“Every story has an end. But in life, every ending is just a new beginning.”

Food for thought late at night from Fukuoka, Japan.




April C.

A lifelong learner who is still finding her way how to master the learn, unlearn, relearn cycle to adapt and grow in this rapidly changing world.