What is it to love foolishly?

Patricia Spangler
2 min readJan 27, 2023


Often I see people speak negatively upon an ignorant kind of love. But sometimes I believe this is my favorite kind. Some believe that rash decisions create the best outcomes, but sometimes I believe it is quite the opposite. The moments in which “rash” becomes a forethought yields the greatest potential. Nonetheless, I still feel urged to resent a foolish kind of love. But, should it not be better to love with ignorance rather than to not love at all?

Throughout my life I have experienced many kinds of Love. The selfish love, the selfless. The abusive, the healthy. The beneficial, the detriment. With every love comes its opposite, which you are likely to experience at least once in life. Whether that be in romance, or a friendship. Due to a worldly suggestion, I try to view my “bad” loves as a lesson learned. Yet, I often find myself questioning this. As much as I would love to accept that everything happens for a reason I do feel that sometimes things exist just to exist. Often, I struggle to find a lesson in the bad parts of romance. Just as I struggle to find a lesson in the good parts. But, when I take a true step back and look at my life I don’t regret any decisions I have made. Whether this be out of ignorance or of a sound mind, the decisions were all mine.

I think it takes a strong person to admit that they messed up, and perhaps an even stronger one to accept it. When I take a step back I am able to look in between the goods and the bads. I am able to read between the lines that define me. The relationships I say shaped me. And the decisions that continue to create me. I do not believe that all things are black and white, but I also do not think that all things come in varieties of colors. I believe that love is what you make of it, and what it makes out of you.

So, I would say it is better to have a foolish love than to not have one at all. Regret and hurt are part of what creates a life that is all yours. And while you make mistakes in love, and maybe love mistakes you. You will always continue to be you. In between the sappy Friday nights where the notebook is on repeat and the Saturday nights where you met “that guy”, you will find that love exists just because it does. With no true reason or rhyme.



Patricia Spangler

Student interested in the workings of the world. Writing my way through life!