Plug Mobile — Android | Now Live on Google Play Store 📱

We’re bringing Plug Mobile full circle with the latest Android release!

3 min readJul 7, 2022

Android users fear not, we haven’t forgotten about you 💝

Today, we’re expanding the accessibility of Plug by releasing Plug Mobile to the Google Play Store! This release marks a long-time promise of making the main functionalities of the Plug browser extension available on all mobile devices.

Android users can now view, hold, and transfer their favorite tokens… and NFTs! That’s right, Android is a lot friendlier towards NFTs, meaning you’ll be able to manage (and soon connect to dApps 🤫) your Internet Computer NFTs by using our official Android App.

What’re you waiting for?! Download Plug Mobile for Android!

Plug on Google Play ▶️

Plug Mobile’s Android app (v0.1) is already available on the Google Play Store — all you need to do is access the following link and download the app.

Searching for Plug on the Google Play store might take a few hours to update. If you’re unable to find it through search please use the link above.

V0.1: iOS Catch Up + NFTs 🔥

For this first version we’re playing feature catch-up with Plug Mobile for iOS, plus taking advantage of the Play Store’s friendlier stance on NFTs.

Moving forward, new releases for Plug Mobile will be platform agnostic, meaning that you will not get specific updates for iOS or Android, both will be updated in tandem as one platform: Plug Mobile.

Features available on the Google Play Store version include:

You can now hold, send, and view your Internet Computer Tokens and NFTs directly in-app. Transfer your favorite Crowns amongst your friends with one swipe!

Other live functionalities include using your synced contacts in your address book, viewing transactions in the activity tab, logging in via FaceID or TouchID, and soon, logging into dApps!

What’s Next❓

The next quarter will see a suite of key improvements for Plug Mobile and continuous efforts to fully align all features between the extension and mobile application. This includes:


That’s right, we’re bringing mobile accessibility to all IC dApps! 🔥

In our development pipeline is a WalletConnect integration for Plug Mobile, which will make it possible to access dApps and authenticate your identity directly from your Plug Mobile app.

Once enabled, Plug will automatically detect when a dApp is on mobile and make a request to the Plug Mobile app for a connection, rather than the extension. All further actions that need approvals from the user (like a swap in Sonic) will follow the same flow.

Token Additions

Adding custom tokens are on the horizon! Additionally, we plan to use Sonic’s pools to pull dollar prices for any custom token additions to Plug.


Our team is also eagerly working on a way to deliver notification messages on your mobile device. Aside from being a first for the Internet Computer ecosystem, the feature would enable users to keep better track of incoming or confirmed transactions.

For any questions and app-related feedback, dive into our Discord. We will be more than happy to hear your thoughts and answer any queries!

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Plug is an Internet Computer browser crypto wllet & authentication provider.