14 Ways to Make Money From Blogging For Beginners

Parth Lukhi
11 min readJan 17, 2021


Blogging is one way to present your ideas, ideologies, and experiences in the world. Beginners need a lot of guidelines and directions. Every expert is once a beginner. So here we have some useful topics to make money from blogging for beginners.

Some bloggers write for passion and what they love.

But there may be more spice added to blogging when you can make money with your blog.

Passion prompts most bloggers to share their experiences, experiences, and inner secrets on a topic.

But passion alone doesn’t pay the bills. To make money blogging, you need to link your written content to the source of income.

In this article, some of the simpler and “relatively” quickest ways to monetize your website.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced blogger, looking for another source of income.

1. Online Courses

A group of people who are always ready to learn from their own places and don’t want to move anywhere.

So, there is a way to make money blogging by creating and selling online courses.

Most of the people who earn a lot of money from their blogging do so through online courses.

Ramit Sethi has reportedly surpassed $ 10 million in annual revenue with his set of installments.

You can offer a package of the 7-week course where they can learn one skill per week.

And you can launch the entire package at once so that your readers can learn at their own pace.

If you prefer content creation as a money-making strategy but don’t like writing.

An online course might be a good alternative for you.

You can find successful blogs on any topic that is monetized with online courses.

For example, famous interior designer Maria Killam has quite a few courses and workshops in her catalog.

You can choose to sell your course online on your website or through an online course platform such as Udemy.

By hosting them on Udemy, you can reach new potential buyers but are restricted by Udemy’s Terms of Service.

But, if you are hosting alone, you will need to promote your course or have a large audience to make money.

You can also check out other courses in your major, either free or paid, to gather the best content and reduce competitors’ weaknesses.

So be sure to look at Competitor Course Reviews.

To help you decide what type of content people want to see in the course.

2. Affiliated Marketing

One of the most popular ways to gain people from blogging is affiliate marketing.

Building a good relationship with advertisers and sponsors is very important while doing affiliate marketing.

This affiliate marketing is the tactic that product manufacturers use to entice customers to write an article linking their product.

You will receive a commission when your blogger-directed consumer buys this product.

Once you are accepted into an affiliate program, you can earn commissions every time someone buys from your affiliate link.

There are many examples of this; for example, John Lee Dumas of EOFire made $ 7,108,835 in income last year.

Another example is that a digital photography school has made more than $ 500,000 in Amazon Associates commissions from promoting photographic equipment.

Another example, Simply Stacie is a popular blogger who makes money blogging with affiliate marketing.

In an article published earlier this year, Stacie shared our list of the best must-read books.

Each of the recommended books links to Amazon where you earn a commission for purchases made by someone who clicks on a link in the article.

  • Some bloggers choose to create lists with affiliate links all the time.
  • Others choose to create articles with many different affiliate programs.

One point to keep in mind is that even though you are writing an affiliate marketing article, you don’t need to worry about marketing.

You must provide an honest review of your valuable readers. Submitting a wrong review can break readers’ trust in you and your blog.

Hence, before accepting a sponsor, you must find their product helpful for your readers.

3. Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are blog posts that brands or people pay you to create.

They advertise ads because they are a paid advertisements written in an editorial style.

Whether you are blogging about the latest products for new moms.

Personal Finance, brands can contact you to create curated posts on your blog.

You can promote your sponsored posts by having a price list available on your website on your contact page.

But the best way to promote your sponsored posts is to put them on your blog.

You may choose to do some networking with local companies and brands.

Other bloggers have shared your niche and ask if they would be interested in getting a sponsored post on your blog.

Make sure to mention the amount of traffic your blog is bringing and the number of followers you have

On The Brunette Salad Blog, Vanessa Cesario is sharing the collaboration with brands.

Check out this powered post with Diesel. The photo blogger takes photos of Cesario dressed in Diesel Italy with links to jeans.

4. Email Marketing

First, get your readers’ contact and create an email list used for email marketing.

The email marketing technology will send your readers an instant update of your latest post. This may bring back lost readers.

You cannot make money from email marketing. It brings traffic to your site as you have other marketing means to make money.

5. E-books

Want to know how to make money from blogging?

If you are an expert on a topic, e-books tend to be a popular medium for many bloggers.

When it comes to writing an e-book, you don’t need to create it around a topic from scratch.

To save time, you can always take up and arrange the most popular blogging topics.

Quite a few writers took advantage of their blogging success in a major publishing deal.

For example, millions of readers secured a book deal with Harper Collins and went on to sell more than 3,000,000 copies in the US alone.

The self-published books were also successful.

The most famous success story among bloggers is James Alcher’s movie Choose Yourself, which has now sold over 500,000 copies.

Another example:

Let’s take a look at Frugalwoods Blog. The Personal Finance Blog has put together much advice about financial independence and living within your means.

However, to make money blogging, they created an e-book titled “ Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence from Simple Living.”

The e-book has over 333 reviews on Amazon.

So clearly promoting from their blog post on the topic helped bring in some additional sales.

Most blog readers don’t have the time to research every blog post.

So, don’t be afraid to use pre-created content and repurpose it differently.

6. Advertisement

Allowing ads on your blog is the most popular and popular method. The best way to start for beginners is to create some content and monetize it via advertisments.

There are many ad formats available to appear on your blog, including the most popular one, Google AdSense.

Usually, you can earn money by joining the Google AdSense network.

Almost anyone can join Google AdSense, for example, and you can later grow into more selective networks like:

After that, there will be special announcements. If your blog has high traffic, you will save banner space on your blog.

These ads pay you to see or click on the ad by the reader. Outside of banners, you can sell links.


You can also use content blockers instead of ad space.

Since most users use ad blockers, these content blockers get permission from the user to display the ad.

7. Freelance Writing

This is the best way to start if you are a blogger. One of my favorite way to Make Money From Blogging For Beginners. You can start writing for yourself or others also.

For some, blogging is not a passive income generation method, so they focus instead on earning an active income.

Freelance writers trade their time for money.

By writing blog posts for other brands and entrepreneurs.

A freelance worker might have their own blog for finding new clients.

But your monetization strategy depends on finding freelance clients.

In this case, your blog’s content might be about your area of ​​expertise.

You might also have a navigational wallet that shows all of the blog content you’ve written for other clients.

For example, Sharon Hurley Hall has a blog and freelance writing. One of her recent posts on her blog highlights her latest freelance writing assignment.

There is a list of clients and articles written for these clients.

This helps her to have more opportunities as it allows people to find her wallet easily.

Navigating her website also includes the services and pricing section. Hence, potential clients know if they can afford to hire her as a writer.

8. Sell Your Skill

Yes, to monetize your blog, you can sell your other skills like

  • Public speaking
  • Consulting and opinion polls
  • Design, teaching, etc

Like affiliate marketing, where you put yourself in your partner’s shoes. You can write an essay on a topic and attach a video to your general speech.

Not only do you offer small links, but you can also offer paid webinars, thus converting your extra skills into profit.

It’s very lucrative, even if successful bloggers keep doing it. For example, Elna Cain continues to sell her freelance writing services:

If you are a freelance writer, designer, photographer, programmer or other service providers where your skills can be sold digitally instead of being there in person.

Not only on your own blog, but you can also earn money by writing for others on their blog for a fee.

You can earn more than you can imagine as a paid blogger. You can make money full time as a part-time freelance blogger.

9. Brand Partnerships

You can also make money blogging through brand partnerships.

Some may compensate you or offer you an affiliate link.

Others, while not pushing them, may help increase your exposure to a larger audience.

Helping you gain more visibility and get new opportunities.

When it comes to brand partnerships, the effort will come on your part while getting started.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to reach out to other bloggers in your area to see opportunities you may also be able to jump into.

You can also access brands yourself.

To let them know that you have an audience present and open to any opportunities they may have.

For example, SoSasha, a lifestyle blogger, has partnered with Joe Fresh and Flare Magazine for the fall fashion collection with many notable women.

Blogger Sasha designed Joe Fresh outfits and was part of her “Fashion for All” campaign about diversity and inclusion.

10. Membership Content

This method is becoming more and more popular now. Create a premium section in your blog, which will make your readers pay to see that section.

This premium section should contain more accurate and useful information. It will not be available online at any other site.

The premium section content should be worth their money.

Some of the top bloggers focus on making money blogging through the content portal.

What does that mean?

  • Some of their content is available to members only, which means you need to pay to read the exclusive content on their blog.
  • You tend to see this a lot with prominent newspaper brands or old bloggers who have a large audience.

For example:

BreatheHeavy, Britney Spears’ fan blog, is an example of a blog that recently added an exclusive membership.

Their premium content features exclusive interviews with celebrities and producers.

It also has unique articles based on stories that Britney fans tend to talk about a lot.

Their exclusive content is also the lure of ad-free readers who hate ads to sign up.

Some of their blog posts might be available for reading.

But the email membership subscription form bans the rest of the article.

When the article begins to grab your attention, sign up.

11. Sell or Flip Your Websites

If you have a well-developed website, people are ready to buy it.

It’s like web development taken to the next level.

You create a website, publish your content.

After your website has enough traffic to make money.

This is one of the fastest ways to make money from blogging.

12. Get Donations

When your site has less traffic, and there is no other way to monetize. But you still have permanent users. You can ask users to donate as much as they want for your site.

This may not give you a lot of profit, but it still gives you minimal money to maintain your site.

Many open-source software sites ask their users to donate to the program as they like.

13. Giveaways

Giveaways are another way to make money blogging. While you seem to be spending money to donate a prize, there are ways to monetize the audience.

Some gifts contain entry options where you are required to visit a website to receive the point.

There have been bloggers who add an affiliate link to Amazon for this option, and earn a commission in the process and cover the prize’s cost.

For example, Canada Contest is a popular giveaway blog that earns affiliate commissions by promoting giveaways on their blogs.

You can view their ad page to find out how to make money blogging in the giveaway.

They also generate income from ads and sponsored posts.

You can also earn a commission or a payment if you promote a giveaway from another brand, making it a sponsored gift.

Another option for an online retailer. Whoever has a blog who can monetize gifts is sending the runner-up prize to all of the people who lost the gift.

14. Go with The Trend

You can be directional when your site has enough traffic.

But as a beginner, you have to suit the audience to gain more subscriptions.

Keeping up with the trend and copying others on their own will never gain traffic. Instead, your content on the current issue should be unique and engaging.


So now you know how to make money from blogging. And there’s still a lot you can do — such as adding:

  • Ads to your website.
  • Selling services.

Whether you try one of these ideas or a combination of them. It will improve your chances of turning your blog into a money machine-time to turn a profit with your passion.

If you want to read about cryptocurrencies, check out “ Top 10 Ways to Profit From Cryptocurrency “.


Originally published at https://readitmore.com on January 17, 2021.

