How to Tell If You Have a Slab Leak

Plumberland Emergency
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

Slab leaks can be an ominous and potentially serious problem for your home. They can cause significant water waste, damage your property, and can even lead to mold growth if not fixed in a timely manner. However, there are some simple steps you can take to help you detect a slab leak and get it taken care of before the problem gets too severe.

Spotting a Slab Leak

The most obvious sign that you have a slab leak is the loss of water pressure when you turn on your faucets and other water-using appliances. If you notice this, call in a professional right away so they can fix it and restore the water to its normal level.

Watch your Water Bill

A sudden spike in your water bill, barring any changes in routine or visitors, is another indicator of a slab leak. This is because a slab leak will allow water to escape from the pipes under your concrete foundation, which means you are using more water than you normally do.

Walk around the Outside of Your House

All of that water has to go somewhere, so check out the perimeter of your house to see if there are any puddles or pools of standing water. If you can see moss or mud in the puddles or pools, this is another indication that there may be a slab leak.

Examine Any Sprinkler or Irrigation Lines

Several areas of your home have irrigation or sprinkler lines that run directly beneath the concrete foundation. Look for any leaking or broken water lines, especially if there are signs of soil erosion or ground shifting.

You can also check the walls and baseboards of your home for cracks that might indicate a slab leak. If the cracks are wide or deep, this is an indicator that there is a major leak underneath your home.

If you hear water running under your floor, this is another sign of a slab leak. If you hear this sound when no taps or water-using appliances are on, it is a good indication of a slab leak.

The smell of moisture

If there is a musty odor in your home, it is often the result of mold or mildew growing under your floorboards or in your carpeting. If you start to notice the smell, it is best to contact a plumber for repair before the issue gets worse.

Hot Spots on Your Floor

A hot spot on your floor or a single room that is extremely warm suggests that you have a leak in the hot water line. You can test this by walking barefoot on the floor in the area to determine if there is any heat transference.

It is important to remember that these hot spots are likely to continue to exist if the problem is not addressed. If you have a slab leak, the hot water will slowly migrate from the hot pipes to the surrounding flooring and environment.



Plumberland Emergency

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