Is it Better to Ask a Plumber to Repair a Clogged Toilet?

Plumberland Emergency
3 min readMar 6, 2023

If you have a toilet that constantly clogs up, there are a few things to know. One is that it’s usually a sign of something more serious. The other is that it may be time to call in a professional plumber to help fix the problem.

First, you’ll need to determine if the problem is isolated to your toilet or if it affects the whole plumbing system in your home. If it’s just the toilet, you might be able to fix the issue with a plunger and some hot water.

You can also try a household bleach solution to break down the waste that’s causing the clog. This is a more effective option than corrosive chemicals that can damage your pipes. If the toilet is still clogged after you tried this, then it’s time to call in a professional plumber.

Foreign materials, such as disposable baby wipes and menstrual products, are another culprit that can cause clogs in your bathroom. They can’t be flushed down the toilet, so they end up getting stuck further down the sewer line. This can lead to issues in your entire plumbing system, including sinks and tubs.

If you’re trying to solve a clog yourself, use a plunger or plumber’s snake to try and force the material through the drain. You can also use a drain cleaner that has been designed to work with toilets.

A professional plumber will be able to discover the cause of the clog and arrange for necessary repairs to get your toilet working again. They can also check the sewer line to make sure there are no deeper issues that need addressing.

It’s also a good idea to ask a professional plumber about any strange smells you might be experiencing in your home. This is a common symptom of a more serious problem, such as a broken sewer pipe or tree roots that have penetrated the toilet’s pipes.

You can also try plunging the toilet yourself and snaking with an affordable plumber’s snake. These methods can be helpful, but they should only be done as a last resort.

The plumber will probably need to disassemble the toilet to see what’s causing the clog and to remove it. This can take several hours, depending on the size of the clog and how deep it goes into the toilet bowl.

Once the clog is removed, your plumber will likely recommend replacing the wax ring on the toilet and resealing it to prevent future clogs. It’s also important to replace the bolts that connect your toilet to the mounting ring, so your toilet can be mounted correctly again.

If the clog isn’t easily cleared by plunging or using a toilet auger, your plumber might recommend hiring a drain cleaning service to clean out the entire plumbing system. They’ll likely remove the clog, clean out any dirt and debris from your drains, and then reinstall the toilet.

The plumber will also be able to tell if the clog is caused by an older or broken toilet, so you’ll be able to decide if it’s worth it to upgrade your old toilet. If so, you’ll have a more efficient toilet that’s more cost-effective in the long run.



Plumberland Emergency

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