Reasons Why Clogged Toilets Happen

Plumberland Emergency
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

Toilets are one of the most essential and convenient parts of any home, but they also present some plumbing issues that homeowners must face from time to time. When your toilet starts to clog repeatedly, it is important to understand the cause of this problem. Some clogs are easy to correct with DIY plumbing troubleshooting, while others require a professional plumber to resolve.

A clogged toilet is one of the most irritating plumbing problems that many homeowners face. When it happens, the mess is usually disgusting and unsanitary, especially if you can’t get rid of the clog quickly enough.

The main reason why toilets clog is because of waste material that is not meant to be flushed down the drain, which can create a blockage in the sewer line or another part of your plumbing system. These clogs can result from a variety of sources, including the main sewer line that leads to your municipal sewage removal lines or septic tank, the branch drain lines that connect to your sinks and tubs, the toilet trap that sits between the bowl and the drain line, or your bathroom’s vent pipe.

Using too much toilet paper is a common clog-causing factor. Toilet paper is made to dissolve in water, but when used too often or in too large quantities, it can become a clog-causing substance that will not break down properly and stick to the toilet and drain lines.

Other non-flushable materials that may clog your toilet include feminine products like pads and tampons, cleaning wipes, dental floss, and cotton balls. These items expand in the water when flushed, which makes them a potential clog-causing substance that will take a long time to dissolve in your plumbing.

Older pipework that is not designed for high-flow can be a common source of clogs in your toilets, as the metal can corrode over time. This can cause the inside of your pipes to rust and flake, leading to a variety of blockages that can impact the entire plumbing system.

If your toilet is older, you should consider having a plumber install an epoxy lining system for your iron pipe to prevent future blockages. This coating can help reduce the rust and flaking of your iron pipes, making them easier to clear out.

Remind your family members about what goes down the drain and what doesn’t, so they know not to put things down the toilet that they shouldn’t be. It is a good idea to keep small trash cans in the bathroom for easy disposal of non-flushable items.

Teach your young children how the toilet works, what it is for, and not to play in it so they won’t end up putting things down the drain that aren’t meant for it.

Use a toilet plunger to attempt to dislodge any clogs that have formed in the toilet trap. If plunging doesn’t clear the clog, contact your local plumber to help remove it and clean the s-trap.



Plumberland Emergency

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