The Different Causes of a Clogged Sink and How to Prevent Them

Plumberland Emergency
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

A clogged sink is one of the most common plumbing problems that can occur. It can be both a health risk and a hassle to fix. But the good news is that a clogged sink can be prevented with some basic maintenance.

There are a number of things that can lead to a clogged drain, including hair, soap, food waste, and other items that you put down the drain. Some of these are easy to prevent, and some can be hard to remove without professional help.

Hair : Whether you’re a human, a pet, or some other type of animal, hair can easily build up in your drains over time and cause a clog. It’s best to keep a drain filter in your bathroom to prevent this from happening.

Food : While small amounts of food that goes down the sink will usually just drain, over time certain foods like pasta, rice, breads, and even potatoes can expand with water and become stuck in the pipes. If you notice these foods stuck in the drain, pour hot water down the sink to break them up and allow them to drain.

Soap: Though it’s less common, clogs can also occur from soap that you use. If too much soap is poured down the drain, it can clump and stick to the walls of the drain. Especially if the soap is strong or coarse, it could get caught in the pipes and create a clog.

Grease :Excess cooking oil and grease can also clog pipes. It’s best to save these substances in a separate container, then dispose of them properly.

Chemicals: Disposing of chemicals like bleach and drain cleaner down the sink can be problematic, as these chemicals can build up and damage your pipe’s lining over time. To avoid this, rinse all drain cleaners thoroughly before using them again.

Trash: Cigarette butts, gum, pieces of paper, and other trash can clog your pipes easily. Tossing these items down the sink is a no-no and should only be done as a last resort.

Dirt: Over time, dirt and mud can build up in your plumbing. It’s best to keep your kitchen and bathroom clean, as well as other areas of your home where dirt is common.

Debris: If you’re disposing of a lot of debris in the drain, you should consider installing a mesh drain strainer to catch them before they clog your pipes.

Pipes & Repair: If you notice a slow draining sink, it may be due to damaged pipes. If the pipe is dented or rusted, it can impede water flow significantly.

The best way to prevent a clogged drain is to regularly check the pipes in your house for damage. If there’s any sign of damage, call a certified plumber to inspect and fix the problem before it becomes worse.



Plumberland Emergency

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