Ways to Unclog Clogged Kitchen Sinks

Plumberland Emergency
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

If you’ve ever sat down at the kitchen sink to do dishes, you know how frustrating a clogged drain can be. But, if you don’t know what is causing the clog, it may not be easy to fix, even with the best drain cleaners on the market.

If your kitchen sink is frequently clogged, it could be caused by a number of different things. One of the most common is a buildup of grease that has collected in your pipes over time. Another problem is a buildup of hair, which can get caught on the sides of the drain pipe and cause a clog.

The most common way to prevent a clog is to be careful about what you put down the drain. Avoid putting down items like pasta or wet potatoes, which expand when they come in contact with water and can create a clog.


Other foods that aren’t good for your pipes include turkey carcasses and meat scraps that have become mushy from cooking. Similarly, too much oil or fat can also accumulate in your drains over time and cause a clog.

A clog isn’t just annoying, it can actually be dangerous if the clog becomes too large. It can block the flow of water to your house, so it’s important to remove any clog before it becomes an issue.

1. Salt and boiling water

Boiling water can help dislodge a stubborn clog by creating a chemical reaction that breaks down part of the clog, moving it through your plumbing system. To use this technique, simply bring about half a gallon of water to a boil on your stove and pour it down the sink drain.

2. Baking soda and vinegar

When you combine baking soda with white distilled vinegar, it creates a bubbling reaction that breaks up larger pieces of clog. This method is effective, but it can take a few tries to work.

3. Plunger

A plunger is a simple and effective tool for unclogging your sink. But, you must be sure to use a clean plunger and not one that has been used in the past or it will just push more debris down your drain.

4. Plastic drain clog remover

A drain clog remover is a handy tool for removing a stuck clog from your kitchen sink or shower. It’s a flexible plastic tool that can be hooked onto the clog and pulled up through the drain.

5. Coat hanger

If you have a clog that’s too deep for a plunger, try using a coat hanger to reach it. The coat hanger is made to pull out small particles of hair, but it can also work on more serious clogs, as long as it’s not too hard for the wire to penetrate the clog.

If a clog is still stubborn, you might need to call in a professional plumber. This is especially true if the clog is in your main sewer line or if your sink is connected to PVC pipes.



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