Why Does My Kitchen Keep Clogging?

Plumberland Emergency
3 min readMar 6, 2023

If you have a clogged kitchen sink, it might be time to consider hiring a plumber. This will save you the trouble of wasting your time and money unclogging it yourself.

There are several reasons that a kitchen sink keeps clogging, but the most common is because of food waste. It is important to know what foods can and cannot be flushed down the sink and why so that you can prevent clogs in the future.

The first thing you need to do is to avoid putting these foods down the drain in the first place. This will not only prevent clogs but also keep your pipes working properly.


Another way to avoid a clogged kitchen sink is to use a strainer in your drain to catch food and other items that can get caught up in the pipes. You can find these in many hardware stores and home improvement centers.

These devices are simple to install and remove, and they will help you to avoid clogs in the future.

A common misconception is that a plunger will quickly clear up a clog in your drain. Unfortunately, plungers don’t work well on grease or oil residue because they can only blast the fatty substance from the pipe walls.

Plungers can also cause the fatty material to solidify. This will restrict water flow and make it harder to clear the clog.

This is why it’s important to never pour any fats or oils down your kitchen drain. They are sticky and will harden as they come into contact with the cool interior of your kitchen drains.

Grease, oil and fats are the biggest culprits when it comes to causing clogs in your kitchen sink. They can be hard to get rid of once they have gotten stuck inside your pipes, but they will easily form again if you do not remove them.

The best way to prevent a clogged kitchen sink is to always use the right tools when cleaning your pipes. This includes a plunger, a snake, and a chemical drain opener if you are feeling confident enough.

It is also a good idea to use hot water when trying to unclog your kitchen sink, especially if the clog is stubborn and gunky. Warm water will soften the clog and force it to slide down your pipe.

If your clog is still persisting after you try this, it might be because of some larger pieces of food that have become stuck in the trap. This is why you need to check your sink’s p-trap regularly for objects and buildup that can be clogging the trap.

A p-trap is the U-shaped pipe under your sink. These pipes are designed to catch large items so they do not enter the rest of your plumbing system. If a large piece of food has become stuck in the trap, it will be very difficult to remove without unscrewing the p-trap.

The next time you have a problem with your kitchen sink, don’t hesitate to call the experts at Plumberland Plumber Wilmington on our Ask An Expert page! Our experts will help you to identify the source of your clog and will provide solutions to resolve it.



Plumberland Emergency

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