Why Plumbers Don’t Recommend Drano For Sink Clogged

Plumberland Emergency
3 min readMar 6, 2023

It’s not unusual to find a sink or tub in your home that won’t drain. When it happens, you’re often tempted to reach for the first thing that comes to mind — Drano!

While Drano is an effective clog-buster, it also has some serious drawbacks. The chemical compounds found in Drano can cause more damage than good, which is why plumbers generally advise against its use.

1. It’s Dangerous for You and Your Plumbing System

Many people assume that Drano is safe to use, because it contains bleach. While that is true, it’s also important to note that the bleach in Drano is a very weak form of chlorine.


2. It Can Ruin Your Cast Iron Pipes

The harsh chemicals found in Drano can eat away at the pipes in your cast iron drains, causing them to corrode and eventually fail. This can lead to leaks and water damage, which can be costly to repair.

3. It Can Easily Burn Your Skin And Eyes

The chemicals in Drano are caustic, meaning that they can sting and burn your skin and eyes. It’s also a very dangerous substance to breathe in, because it can irritate the lungs.

4. It Can Yeast Your Toilets and Make You Sick

Drano can eat away at the porcelain in your toilet, causing them to crack and even explode in some cases. This can lead to infections and even death, so it’s important not to use it in your toilet.

5. It Can Yeast Your Showers and Bathtubs

The strong, corrosive chemicals in Drano can easily eat away at the walls of your bathtubs and showers, leading to a buildup of mold and mildew. Additionally, it can erode the tile in your bathrooms and make them discolored and stained.

6. It Can Harm Your Plastic Pipes

The corrosive chemicals in Drano have been known to harm the pores of some plastic drains and showers. This can lead to stains, discoloration and mold buildup, which is very expensive to fix.

7. It Can Damage Your Plastic and PVC Drains

The clogging chemicals in Drano can easily dissolve the proteins that are responsible for making your drains and pipes work, which can rip them apart. Moreover, the hot temperature and bubbles that result from these clog-busters can be extremely damaging to your plumbing systems and pipes.

8. It Can Inhibit Your Garbage Disposal

Some of the harsher chemicals in Drano can also eat away at the linings of your garbage disposal. This can make it difficult to dispose of waste properly, which will cause it to overflow and cause more problems in your drains.

9. It Can Cause You To Have Fever

The chemicals in Drano can irritate your immune system, causing you to have fever and other signs of a bacterial infection. They can also irritate your eyes, causing them to become red and swollen, and they can hurt your lungs.

Luckily, there are natural alternatives to Drano that won’t hurt your plumbing or your family. Using baking soda and vinegar, for example, will help clear most clogged drains. These green alternatives are simple to use and can be found in most households at any given time.



Plumberland Emergency

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