Join the Plume Goon Adventure!

Plume Network
5 min readJun 25, 2024


Hey Plume Goons! We’re incredibly excited to introduce you to the biggest drop in real world assets (RWAs) — our upcoming Plume Testnet Campaign!

We’re here to help usher in the next phase of RWAs and we’ll need your help to make it happen. Buckle up because we’re launching our testnet campaigns, and trust us, you don’t want to miss this ride!

Plume Goon’s Epic Adventure: Season 1

Welcome to the debut season of our campaign, featuring none other than our infamous Plume Goon. This campaign is the first of many and will give our community a sneak peek into our ecosystem while the newbies get a fun, hands-on way to learn about RWAs.

A Plume Goon’s Journey

Your adventure starts as a Plume Goon jet-setting around the globe, visiting different ecosystems, and experiencing our great partners and projects. During the Testnet Campaign, you’ll be able to do a number of things such as:

  • Invite Friends & Stamp Your Passport: get your Plume Goon passport, collect stamps from all of the cool projects you visit, and invite your friends for more rewards!
  • Earn Plume Miles: Complete quests, refer friends, and more to earn Plume Miles throughout the campaign
  • Secure Leaderboard Glory: Keep track of your Plume Miles and see where you stand on our Plume leaderboard

Racking Up Plume Miles ✈️

The more you do, the more Plume Miles you earn. We’ll have multipliers, rewards, sweepstakes, and more so keep checking in to earn more miles! Now more on how to join the campaign below!

Step 1: Secure an Invite Code

We are built for the community so anyone can participate in Plume’s Testnet. But while we’re still in the initial phases, you’ll need an invite code to access our first campaign but these invites codes will be widely distributed throughout the Plume ecosystem. If you’re looking for invite codes, you can find invite them from:

  • Plume’s Social Media Account
  • Our legendary partners — ecosystem partners, ambassadors, friends, select NFT communities, and more
  • Your friends and family! (all registered users receive their own invite codes)

Step 2: Check Your Eligibility & Mint Your Plume Goon!

Once you join, you’ll be prompted to check your eligibility for minting one of our exclusive Plume Goon NFTs. These Goons will supercharge your Testnet experience with extra Plume Miles, multipliers, rerolls, and more!

There are a few ways to qualify for our Plume Goon NFT. Click through in each area to go into more detail but a bit on each below:

  • Plume Partners — ecosystem, select NFT communities, and more!
  • Our Community — our Discord warriors!
  • RWA influencers — active contributors to RWA discourse!

If you aren’t in any of these categories, not to fear — click on “Not Eligible” and follow the steps to still secure your spot.

Step 3: Lock In Your Boarding Group

To provide the best experience for our users, we will be opening our Testnet in different phases — or what we call boarding groups! There are 4 boarding groups:

  • Diamond Boarding Group
  • Platinum Boarding Group
  • Gold Boarding Group
  • Silver Boarding Group

We’ll be opening up our Testnet progressively by boarding group. Different groups will not only enter at different times, but will have different rewards and multipliers baked in as well.

Now, your starting boarding group does not have to be your final boarding group — you can easily move into different boarding groups based on referrals! All you have to do is refer. Each person that clicks on your referral link not only gets your more Plume Miles, but also gets you that much closer to a higher boarding group. So remember to bring your Goons along for the ride!

Step 4: Earn Plume Miles

Plume Miles are our way of rewarding our early users for their continued involvement and commitment to building an onchain RWA future together with us.

You might not have noticed but you have already been accruing Plume Miles the whole time! Check the top right of the page to see how many miles you’ve earned. That’s how this works — a few clicks and see the miles fly in.


And that’s it for Phase 1! We’re so excited to share our Testnet Campaign with everyone so stay tuned via our social accounts, Discord, Telegram, and more. In the coming weeks we’ll share so much more — from rerolls to upgrading airlines classes.

The Plume Network Testnet Campaign is your ticket to a world of rewards and fun. Join us, earn some sweet Plume Miles, and help us shape the future of RWAs.

Grab your Plume Goon passport, start collecting those stamps, and climb that leaderboard. It’s time to chart your course with Plume Network — let’s make it legendary!

About Plume

Plume is the first modular L2 blockchain dedicated for all Real World Assets (RWAs) that integrates asset tokenization and compliance providers directly into the chain. Our mission is to simplify the convoluted processes of RWA project deployment and offer investors a blockchain ecosystem to cross-pollinate and invest in various RWAs. In addition, Plume enables RWA composability through its thriving DeFi applications and provides access to high-quality buyers to increase liquidity for all tokenized RWAs.


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Plume Network

Plume is the first modular L2 blockchain dedicated for real-world assets (RWAs)