Is “Wednesday” Stranger than “Stranger Things?” A Quick Look at the Series’s 7-day Netflix Performance

3 min readDec 9, 2022


by Anna Kasprzyk and Nicolás Eugenio Herrera.

Source: Netflix

Tim Burton just gave Wednesday, the charismatic daughter of the grimmest family ever created — the Addams Family — a breath of fresh energy.

Wednesday, released on November 23, 2022, is a smashing success, as Netflix has already announced. What do the 7-day numbers look like?

In this report, to benchmark Wednesday, we also check how many Unique Viewers (UV) each Stranger Things season gathered in the United States within the first seven days on the platform. (Read more about Strangers Things’s performance numbers here).

Table 1: Stranger Things, 7 Days After Release, Unique Viewers (UV) for each season, United States

Source: Showlabs by PlumResearch

Now let’s take a look at how audiences responded to Wednesday Addams’s peculiar adventures.

Seven days after Wednesday’s premiere, the number of Unique Viewers in the United States reached 46.2M. This result is around 2M lower than for Stranger Things, season 4, but compared to the first season’s results, Wednesday is the clear winner.

When we check the markets where Wednesday debuted as number one in the first week after its release, we can see that 8.7M Unique Viewers tuned in to watch Wednesday in the United Kingdom, 6.6M UV in France, 4.8M UV in Germany, and 1.5M in Poland.

Table 2: Wednesday, 7 Days After Release, Unique Viewers (UV), United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Poland

Source: Showlabs by PlumResearch

Wednesday’s viewership numbers look very exciting — and since the show seems to become a global phenomenon with a broad impact on pop culture (thanks to TikTok and Lady Gaga!), we will surely have our eyes on Wednesday’s performance in the next few weeks.

The audience measurement data in this article comes from Showlabs, developed by PlumResearch.

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