Apr 16, 2024


No such thing a civilized behavior. Nice. I guess terrorists are just fine with you because of your relativism.

But I know your type. You'll then say that Southerners in the 1950s are evil and inexcusable.

Just like Hamas, they raped and burned a bunch of people, but it seems that's ok with you.

Palestinians aren't paying for crimes of Germans. Jews immigrated, peacefully and legitimately to that area of the Ottoman Empire from 1880 onwards, joining many Jews who lived there continuously for 3,000 years or more.

These peaceful immigrants were attacked by extremist Arab Nationalists who were like the KKK of that time and place. The attacks started ramping up in 1929, long before Israel even existed, and have never stopped.

And many in the West (such as you) are supporting and encouraging the worst and most horrendous forms of that violence.




Balance in all things, striving for good sense and even a bit of wisdom.