Five Reasons Straight Spouses Don’t Know Their Partner is LGBTQ

…mostly because they don’t want you to.

P.L. Sheffield
9 min readJan 9, 2019
Photo by nadine Shaaba

On the Straight Spouse network, the main question on people’s minds is:

Is s/he or isn’t s/he GAY/BI/TRANS/ETC????

Most people on the forum ask this question after they have found some type of evidence. They are stunned into a state of confusion which talking to their closeted spouse usually only increases.

But it is pretty simple, if you are scratching your head wondering, or are finding evidence that has lead you to ask this question, well, that itself is a big red flag.

Here are the five reasons most straight spouses will never get the satisfactory answers they seek. I sought. These are some fairly common experiences when dealing with a married LBGT spouse in denial:

1. They will hide for as long as possible (or forever) because they have hidden their whole life and they are good at it, and they like the benefits of straight cover.

There were so many times the truth came out in obvious ways, but he was so convincing and earnest in deflecting my suspicions. I felt disloyal and untrusting to call him out as a liar. I imagined he was truthful and simply toyed with some sexual curiosity due to a lack of experience. I was…



P.L. Sheffield

Writing it out. Adventures in healing. Late bloomer. Medicine Woman.