Sounds where there were none before

Pavle Marinkovic
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2020


What for many might be considered traits of excellence and commodity, for manufacturers of unconventional cars (electric and hybrid), has become a big problem. Their vehicles are too quiet!

Doesn’t make sense or…does it?

Well, if you look at the statistics, electric and hybrid cars cause 40% more pedestrian accidents than conventional cars and one of the main causes is the absence of sound (Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill, 2017). Moreover, the walker has to be 74% nearer that car versus a combustion engine car to make sense of where the car is coming from. So as much as we all yearn for more silence, I’m sorry to announce but it’s not for the greater good this time.

I know, I too want the acoustic contamination to diminish, especially with those honks. Think of that person that honks a 0.000005 second after the light turns green. Come on!!

But let’s see the bright side. Sound designers and composers (look for Hans Zimmer working with BMW!) will make personalized sounds for each type of car. We will have a variety of new sounds, customized for each brand. Amazing right?

