Videogame Music

What You‘re Usually Unaware in Videogames — The Musical Ingredient

There’s nothing like it in any other industry.

Pavle Marinkovic
Nerd For Tech
Published in
6 min readAug 22, 2020


Photo by Enrique Vidal Flores via Unsplash

Once videogames evolved from single beeps and boops, (e.g. Atari’s Pong game,1972), onto a full soundtrack, music became one of the most important elements in a videogame.

You might think that music is there to fill a gamers’ awkward silence while he/she stares obsessively at the screen. But don’t be fooled by that funny looking half-open mouth face, they’re very aware of the sound element.

Although it’s mostly processed at an unconscious level, music is central to people’s gameplay experience.

Music Wrapped Around the Gamer’s Decisions

Movies have background music that follow a linear timeline. No matter how many times you watch a movie, you’ll always hear the same songs and in the same order.

Music is presented in a predefined sequence.

But videogames have another totally different approach. Depending on what you decide to do while playing, you get to listen to different music environments.

Music is at your command, your actions control it.

