Leadership in Crisis: How to Lead Your Team Through Difficult Times

4 min readOct 4, 2023


“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”

Rosalynn Carter, former first lady of the United States

According to the 2021 Global Crisis Survey by PwC, which surveyed 2,814 business leaders, 70% of them reported a major negative impact on their organizations due to a leadership crisis, while only 20% saw a positive impact.

Let us take the example of the pandemic which was a time of digital transformation that reshaped the business landscape. With the adoption of remote work globally, leaders had to learn to manage teams remotely & heavily rely on communication & collaboration platforms. This led to leadership in crisis situations where several leaders had to adapt their management styles to the current situation & find unique ways to foster team productivity.

There is no one-size-fits-all manual for leadership in a crisis situation as each new crisis is unique in its own way & requires a tailored approach. In many cases, crises happen unexpectedly, leaving leaders/employees with little or no time to prepare. Therefore, leadership crisis management is often a matter of survival, with leaders as well as employees having to think on their feet & adapt new strategies as the situation unfolds.

Effective leadership is difficult as well as most crucial in times of adversity.

In this blog we will discuss tips & strategies which you can leverage to step in & lead them through a leadership crisis:

1) Acknowledge & Accept — Acknowledging a crisis can be a tumultuous task for almost anyone, however facing the reality of the situation can help you reflect & transition into a stage which is focused on finding solutions. By accepting the reality, leaders gain clarity & can strategize with a focus on positive outcomes despite the difficult circumstances. Leaders who are upfront & transparent can build trust & inspire confidence among their team, thereby enhancing their ability to navigate the crisis successfully.

2) Honesty & Confidence are key — This is one of the most important things a leader needs to do, especially in times of leadership in crisis. Everyone looks to a leader for reassurance & a plan of action. Which is why it is absolutely necessary for leaders to appear levelheaded & in control of the situation. Honesty & confidence are key to success in a crisis. This inspires a sense of dependability & stability amongst the employees.

3) Decisive & Adaptable Approach — Most often than not leaders face situations which need quick or difficult decision-making. Navigating a crisis can be a daunting & overwhelming experience. Pondering over the pros & cons of a decision is not a luxury leaders can afford during chaos. They must aim to be action-oriented in their approach. Making swift, decisive decisions & having an open & adaptive mindset suits the needs of a crisis & aids you in navigating a scenario of this nature productively.

4) Stay in Control during Chaos — In a sudden or immediate crisis management in leadership, the work environment can quickly become chaotic due to heightened emotions like stress & fear. As a leader, it is important to take charge & prevent panic from spreading. This is one of the most cardinal steps that a leader must take when a crisis emerges. It may involve assigning tasks promptly or restoring order in the company. Either way, the crisis action plan can only commence if everyone involved is focused & committed to accomplishing the tasks at hand.

5) Practice Caution & Stay Alert — During a crisis, it is eminent for leaders to avoid making rash or hasty decisions & putting everything at risk. Instead, a swift & calculated approach can accelerate your recovery through a time of crisis. This involves promptly analyzing all available information & making well-informed decisions about the most effective plan of action. Although it may appear tough, strategizing effectively on your feet is a skill that can be developed over time. Being mentally alert is a valuable attribute for leaders to possess, especially in moments of crisis.

Positivity — Maintaining a positive attitude during a crisis is easier said than done. With everything going wrong, it’s challenging to stay optimistic. However, it’s crucial for leaders to keep a composed demeanor until the crisis abates. Even though the situation may seem bleak, leaders should take necessary steps to stay positive. The reason being that once insecurity sets in, it can quickly transform into paralyzing self-doubt, hindering leaders from making the tough decisions that are necessary. Therefore, practicing positivity, mindfulness & tolerance will help leaders manage a crisis effectively.


It is essential to understand that sometimes a leadership crisis cannot be avoided, nor can we constantly be prepared to face one. However, the important thing to remember is that all crises pass eventually & sooner rather than later if they are tackled head-on, with a clear course of action. Follow the above-mentioned strategies to mitigate a leadership crisis proficiently.

Career Coaching can enable leaders to identify gaps, strengths, weaknesses, values & aspirations. Through assessments & expert guidance, coaches can help leaders align their actions with their intentions & goals. Therefore,Career Coaching can be a valuable resource for leaders going through a leadership crisis.

Looking for leadership in crisis training? Connect with our Experts today!

