Sustainable Change Management

PM Blog
4 min readApr 12, 2022



Change is the driver of success while achieving significant results is often based on successful change management. Internal and external process improvements that drive efficiency and profit should be based on a sustainable change management model that will allow planned and predictable change integration.

What is change management?

Change management is a process of identifying, implementing and integrating a change in an activity, team or organisation. A change management framework is a pre-defined process model designed to assist individuals and organisations in implementing a change.

Why is change management needed?

A planned and thoughtful approach to change management is required to identify, plan and achieve the implementation of change precisely. Without a structured approach to change management, the initiator of the change can face the following risks:

  • Inability to clearly identify a change;
  • Stakeholders resistance;
  • The inefficiency of the change implementation process;
  • Breach of change implementation deadlines;
  • Failure to analyse the success of the implemented change;
  • Unsustainable change.

Using a change management framework allows for avoiding typical pitfalls during the change management implementation process.

Steps to successful change management

Key stages of the Change Management implementation process

Identify the Change

Identifying the change is the first step toward successful change management implementation. The following factors will allow you to efficiently identify the change: demand, relevance and value. If the change chosen for implementation does not meet these vital criteria, it must be reconsidered.

Present the Change

Change needs to be successfully presented to stakeholders responsible for change implementation and success. There are two critical factors in presenting the change: choosing the right audience and efficiently presenting the change to stakeholders.

Create focus groups, and identify positive stakeholders who are enthusiastic and are interested in implementing the change. When positive high-impact stakeholders are identified, proceed to the next step — presenting a change.

To get a buy-in from stakeholders, the change needs to be presented efficiently and professionally, preferable — using a slide deck and prepared speech. Present the background information and results of the assessment, identified issues and arguments why change implementation will be beneficial. As a result, stakeholders should be positive and interested in implementing a change.

Plan the Change

Create a structured plan to implement a change successfully. When planning the change, set SMART goals and define key milestones that will allow you to plan the progress towards the goal. Ensure that the plan is discussed, adjusted and approved by stakeholders before actioning.

Remember that the change needs to be implemented gradually in a planned manner. Do not rush in, sustainable change implementation takes time.

Implement the Change

Once the action plan is approved by stakeholders, use it to implement and integrate the change. Follow the plan, update the statuses, keep it transparent to key stakeholders, and adjust when necessary.

In order to efficiently deliver the change, always remember to monitor & control the implementation, align on the progress and adapt the plan using an empirical approach (i.e. learn by doing).

Report the Results

Proactively and transparently report the results to keep the progress visible and keep stakeholders engaged. Use milestones as a baseline and report the progress towards their completion to maximise the efficiency of the reporting process.

Ensuring that the audience is aware of the current progress towards the goal improves the focus and efficiency of the change implementation and integration process.

Sustain the Change

Analyse change efficiency after delivering the change. The impact, result and benefits generated by the change need to be objectively measured, analysed and reported. When improvements are identified — implement them following the change management framework.

Always document the change once it is implemented, empower knowledge sharing and transfer to ensure the sustainability of the implemented change.

Tips for efficient change management

Consider the following success tips when implementing a change:

  • Treat change management as a project;
  • Communication and collaboration is the key to successful change;
  • Analyse stakeholder needs and views, have positive stakeholders on your side;
  • Don’t push change management, otherwise, you’ll face the stakeholders’ resistance, remember — sustainable change management takes time;
  • Use an empirical iterative and incremental processes to implement the change;
  • The best way to implement change management is to make the parties feel that they ”own” the change (i.e. that idea belongs to them);
  • Keep the change management process transparent, and don’t forget to congratulate the parties when the change is implemented;
  • Empower documenting and knowledge transfer of the change to ensure its sustainability.


Successful change management is the key to a team’s and organisation’s ability to adapt. A thoughtful, planned, and structured approach to change management allows for identifying, implementing and integrating the change efficiently and sustainably. Mastering a change management framework is the key to success in a constantly evolving market and rapidly changing world.

