Paul Maritz
3 min readMay 31, 2018


With all due respect, don’t underestimate our intelligence — we are in cryptos for a reason. Let me speak for those who are too scared to give you a piece of their minds for fear of negative consequences…

I am sure that beyond the claps received by those who didn’t even bother to read, most bounty hunters will take this announcement of yours as a big F YOU in return for all the hard work done — and most importantly, after months of loyalty built up towards the AmaZix brand.

You wrote: “ All bounty programs will now be called Community Rewards.”

My response: It is an insult to call it Community Rewards. Given that your focus will in the future only be on invite-only VIPs, you should call it Invite-Only VIP Rewards. As for us — bounty hunters at large in the crypto community — we will continue to call what we participate in, bounty programs. Nobody is going to change that and especially not at our expense.

You wrote: “ Rewards cannot be established as a function of raised funds. Essentially, this means that participants can no longer be rewarded based on or dependent on the money raised during a crowdfund, token sale or coin offering, as this would be perceived as participants being “on a commission”.

As such, reward allocations will need to be a fixed amount that is affordable for the partner, regardless of crowdfund performance.”

My response: What is the fixed amount called then, a salary or wage- and how is it better than commission — something that is earned in most affiliate programs (without the need for KYC)? By removing an increased reward from crowdfund performance, you’re going to completely destroy the incentive to perform — for those VIPs fortunate enough to be invited. Not even to mention the rest of us that will not even have the opportunity to participate.

You wrote: “ Participation in content creation will now be by invitation only. Most social networks, including Twitter and Facebook, have updated their Terms and Conditions so that it is no longer permissible to promote a business from a private or personal profile. In addition, both these platforms have banned paid advertising for ICOs. Hence, social media can not be used to participate in Community Rewards.

Participation in content creation will now be by invitation only.”

My response: In other words, you’re telling 99.9% of those who supported you since the beginning that their contributions are of little value. This while you achieved network effect through the great number of participants — something that led to many successful ICOs.

Yes, they are banning paid advertising for ICOs in terms of twitter ads, but we are still allowed to tweet about ICOs and pretty much anything we like that is not offensive and/or constituted hate speech. You are just using it as an excuse to screw over the little guy, because without us in the picture — you and the invite-only VIP big boys get to earn more!

Cryptos were never about sucking up to so called VIPs and centralized authorities. Cryptos were born to bring as much benefit to humanity as possible. For once people can benefit— regardless of their race, religious affiliations, sexual preference and more. Yet, you now suddenly stand by those who want the exact opposite. Shame on you!

I am sickened by this turn of events. And I am sure many bounty hunters will agree with me. If you have your way, I bet all ICOs will pretty soon turn into IPOs run by the big boys on Wall Street! Then it will be rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat while the little guy has to bend over! And to think cryptos were supposed to change all of that! Yeah, let’s make it more centralized — invite-only VIPs!!!

In short: AmaZix no longer belongs in the crypto space.

