Why I Chose Game Design

2 min readAug 29, 2022


I have always had a creative side, and it was only fueled by my love of video games. I would remember playing things ranging from computer rts games to Halo on the X-Box to a multitude of Nintendo consoles ranging from GameCube to Wii to GameBoy to DS. I know that some of my favorite video games end up coming from before I was born, with Galaga taking the spot on my favorite game from the arcade era.

Massive arcade cabinet concept designed for a class using an isometric grid.

As I grew up, I found the most fun in my art classes, although not initially. There was fun designing fake logos and creating fictional pieces. I also ended up going and taking classes in engineering, which has affected my work as you have seen with the fictional arcade cabinet above (done as an assignment), in which I have taken and adopted my understanding of engineering design into my own personal design, even going as far as to adapt isometric grids as a main means of drawing three dimensional figures and vehicles. However, I found that Game Design offered me the chance to fully bring the stories and ideas I had to life and allow them to be given out to the world.

Project in which we had to create a set of instructions without any words.

The biggest problem and fears that I have seen within the video games industry is that they end up getting bogged down with things thrown in there to make them more “popular” or “profitable”. While I acknowledge the reasons for doing this, I find that the games end up lacking a lot because of these things, such as microtransactions and trend chasing, resulting in a game that feels and looks lackluster and a cheap money grab, especially with the big price tag that these games often times come with initially. As such, I really have no interest in making games whose purpose is more to suck dry the wallets of those that play them, and instead will most likely end up focusing on the indie side of games rather than the




This is a required blog for my educational facility in order to work with analysis of design. I know I find that social media is “toxic”, and plan to stay away.