The False Sense of Busyness

We need to get rid of this and lead a high-quality life!

Petar Mitrovic
2 min readOct 21, 2021

How many times did someone call you out for a drink and you told them that you were busy?

Or the other way around?

The days are becoming shorter and we have no time, even for our family. There is always this illusion that we are doing something, but are we really?

We are always busy

The world we live in is fast-paced. According to Oberlo, 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute worldwide!

That’s just crazy statistics. How many new articles appear daily on websites, platforms, etc?

There’s this fear of missing out and that is why we are constantly on social media, we scroll through Instagram, Facebook, constantly looking for information. Also, it is a cheap dopamine boost. We become satisfied by literally sitting on our bed.

We are always working on something. But is that really work?

Either way, we feel that there’s not much time to do everything we set out to do. What we need to understand is that success doesn’t come overnight.

We text Instead of Seeing People Face-to-Face

More often than not, we exchange texting for talking with other people face-to-face. Is that easier?

Sure, it is convenient to pick up your phone and chat from the comfort of your home. But it is much better to go out for a walk or visit some coffee shop and just mingle.

Are We Productive?

Let’s say that you are busy and that you really cannot make it. But are you doing something that’s making your life a lot better? I cannot tell for you, but I am often just busy, doing nothing of great importance.

Sometimes it is justified to not go out and it is OK if you are feeling down or you simply don’t want to see other people. But this false sense of busyness is really amplified in recent years. It seems like we are doing important things when the reality is commonly the opposite.

Ask yourself:

Are you really busy? Working two jobs? Are you super busy that you cannot see your parents every few months? And you live nearby? Are you busy that you cannot go out with your friends?

The social aspect of our lives is just as important as any other and it is slipping through our hands! This weird sense of urgency is going to cost us our health and that price is too high to pay.

At the end of the day, the things we cherish are experiences with the people we love. I am not saying that other aspects — careers, money and free time aren’t of importance, it’s just we are strongly leaning towards just one.

You guess which one it is.

