How Size Matters When Developing Your Startup’s Approach to PR

Perry Mizota
3 min readApr 4, 2019
Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

Last week, I went to an event organized by ETW Advisors, a startup advisory firm, where a public relations (PR) professional gave advice to startup founders on developing and executing a communications plan. The presenter did a great job at addressing all of the main things founders should keep in mind as they think about developing a PR function within their company. And many of those in the audience were watching with rapt attention, as they jotted down notes, took photos of slides, and asked questions during the Q&A session.

As I sat there, not knowing anything about the companies being represented at the event, I wondered, “do all of these early-stage startups really need to be thinking about PR right now?” My answer used to be a resounding yes, but based on my recent experiences, primarily in the B2B startup world, my answer is now more of a maybe. Let me explain…

PR is important for targeting SMBs

I believe that the size of the companies an early-stage startup targets dictates their marketing strategy and the approach they take on certain functions, like PR.

Startups targeting small- to medium-sized businesses (SMB) need to approach marketing almost like they are going after consumers in the B2C world, since it is difficult to target individual SMB…



Perry Mizota

An old (experienced) startup guy who thinks he’s young. Helps early-stage B2B startups figure things out.