How Manmohan Singh Changed India.

3 min readJul 26, 2023


Manmohan Singh, a distinguished economist and the thirteenth Prime Minister of India, had a profound impact on the nation during his tenure from 2004 to 2014. Through his visionary policies and commitment to economic reform, Singh played a pivotal role in changing India’s trajectory and transforming it into a global economic powerhouse.

When Singh assumed office in 2004, India faced significant challenges such as high inflation, a fiscal deficit, and an unstable economy. However, with his expertise in economics and keen understanding of the potential behind India’s demographic dividend, Singh implemented a series of far-reaching reforms that revolutionized the country’s economic landscape.

One of the most notable achievements of Singh’s tenure was the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). This unified tax system replaced numerous state and central taxes, simplifying the tax structure and making it easier for both businesses and consumers to navigate. The GST increased tax compliance, curbed corruption, and fostered a seamless flow of goods and services across state borders, thereby boosting trade and investment.

Singh also spearheaded the liberalization of India’s financial sector. He implemented measures to strengthen the banking system, encouraging foreign investment and innovation. This led to increased competition, efficiency, and access to capital. Singh’s reforms enabled banks to extend credit to previously underserved sectors, such as agriculture and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), contributing to inclusive growth and poverty reduction.

Furthermore, Singh strongly advocated for deregulation and privatization, opening up key sectors such as telecommunications, aviation, and broadcasting to foreign and private investment. This move not only brought in advanced technologies and management practices but also generated employment opportunities and enhanced consumer choices.

Singh’s foreign policy initiatives played a crucial role in transforming India’s position on the global stage. He worked towards strengthening relationships with emerging nations, particularly in Asia, by fostering economic and strategic partnerships with countries like China, Japan, and South Korea. Under his leadership, India also deepened its ties with the United States, resulting in significant advancements in defense, nuclear energy, and trade cooperation.

Singh recognized the importance of investing in education and research to propel India into the knowledge economy. With his support, funding for educational institutions and research facilities increased, leading to significant advancements in science and technology. This emphasis on education not only enhanced human capital but also enabled India to emerge as a hub for innovation and intellectual prowess.

Additionally, Singh championed important social welfare programs aimed at uplifting the underprivileged sections of society. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) was enacted during his tenure, providing employment opportunities and guaranteed wages to millions of rural households. The Right to Information Act (RTI), another milestone initiative, empowered citizens to hold public officials accountable and combat corruption.

However, Singh’s tenure was not without its share of criticisms and challenges. The UPA government, led by Singh, faced controversies regarding corruption allegations and policy paralysis in its later years. Critics argue that the pace of reforms could have been accelerated, and certain sectors, such as agriculture, needed more attention.

Nonetheless, there is no denying that Manmohan Singh’s tenure as Prime Minister brought considerable positive changes to India’s economic and diplomatic landscape. His visionary policies, commitment to inclusive growth, and dedication to economic reforms transformed India into one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and cemented its position as a global power.

