Why use JSON “parse” and “stringify” methods a bad practice to clone objects in JavaScript (2023 update)

Petro Zubar
3 min readJun 9, 2019


Cloning the objects often becomes a problem for JS programmers. Surprisingly, the second most popular answer to the question `What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?` is… to JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) it!


By the way, I found such a ‘deep cloning’ in my own old code!

Why it can cause problems?

You can lose your data

The JSON.stringify() just converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string. It`s ok to use it with some primitives like Numbers, Strings or Booleans.

JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({ a: 1, b: "Hello, world", c: true})) // it`s OK

But sometimes, JSON.stringify() is a little bit… unpredictable. For instance, something like this seems to be weird:

JSON.stringify({ key: undefined }); // converted to "{}"
JSON.stringify({ key: Symbol() }); // "{}" again
JSON.stringify({ key: function(){} }); // "{}" as well

As you can see, you can just lose data of unsupported types when copying your object in such a way. Moreover, JavaScript won`t even warn you about that, because calling JSON.stringify() with such data types does not throw any error.

By the way, as for me, one of the biggest problems of cloning with JSON.stringify() is that methods are not supported by it

Sometimes, JSON.stringify() pretends to be smart and converts some unsupported data types to supported ones. So, in cases like these, everything will be converted to {"key": null}:

JSON.stringify({ key: Nan }); // {"key": null}
JSON.stringify({ key: Infinity }); // {"key": null}

Finally, there is a problem with the Date(). Dates will be parsed as Strings, not as Dates. So, if you store the `Date` in your object and clone using JSON, you will lose them, too.

It is not so quick and efficient

Looking at some benchmarks, (like this one, or this one) we can see, that cloning with JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) can be really slow, especially on large objects. I also suggest you read this story about just one line (!!!) of JS code that made a site 10 times slower:

(sorry for the spoiler, but that string was JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) )

But wait, how to clone the things without “JSONing” them?

OK, now we see, that cloning by converting and parsing JSON may cause huge problems and become antipattern. Since then, there are better approaches:

  1. (the easiest one) Use jQuery or Lodash implementations of deep cloning
  2. (2023 update) Use the `structuredClone()` method! It is supported by modern browsers.
  3. (more interesting) Write your own deep cloning function using recursion (or just google to find some implementations).

So, every time you need to clone an object, remember, that JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) may cause problems and you’d better avoid using it.

