What is Hasura? How I got into it?

The Punjabi Geek
2 min readJun 21, 2017


This is my first blogpost on medium ever and I am writing this about a company so there has to be something special. Starting with my first question, so what is Hasura exactly? Hasura is a PaaS with BaaS components. It helps you deploy your custom code written in any language/framework. In case you are not from a Computer Science background and are wondering what these words mean, then don’t worry, I am here to rescue you !

PaaS stands for platform as a service. It allows developers, IT professionals, and business leaders to develop, test, and deploy the next generation of applications in the cloud in a secure, cost-effective manner that speeds time to market and increases competitive advantage.

BaaS stands for Backend as a service. It is a model for providing web app and mobile app developers with a way to link their applications to backend cloud storage and APIs exposed by back end applications while also providing features such as user management, push notifications, and integration with social networking services.

So How I got into Hasura? From the start of my second year of Btech, I was always looking for ways to learn more and continuously increase my knowledge. During one of the thousand google searches that I do everyday (No!! Its not exaggerated), I came to know about Imad (Introduction to Modern Application Development). I immediately registered for the course. If you are also a Computer Science Engineer ,then you, my friend, you should do that course. It provides you with proper theoretical and practical knowledge about app development as of today. Tanmai is one hell of a geek, something that I would love to be one day. He teaches with so much passion and his jokes are what keep you going and have fun while learning. The top 5% of the students of this course were to be selected for an internship at Hasura. Luckily, I was one of them.

So during this internship I am supposed to make a webapp from scratch and write a blogpost for every task that I perform. My next blogposts are going to be about the work that I do during this internship.So stay tuned, my app idea is coming soon !!!

