I Have Two Unusable Mac Computers

The reality distortion field lives on

Paul Neuhaus
4 min readMay 13, 2022
an apple
Photo by an_vision on Unsplash

For years now, I’ve been an Apple fanboy. Their hardware is second-to-none in terms of build quality and their OS is, for me at least, light years beyond Windows. But right now, I have two Mac computers and they’re both unusable.

Too bad I may have to switch entirely.

I own an Early 2015 MacBook Air and a Late 2013 iMac. Both computers are running fine except for the fact I can no longer type on either of them.

Say, for instance, if I were to type the phrase “The Rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain”. What I’d likely get is something like “The Rain ain in Spain ain falls alls mainly ly on the plainain”. As you can see, the keyboard has a bizarre echo. It retypes portions of words, and I spend more time editing than I do composing.

The first machine to develop this defect was the Air. It started happening shortly after I updated the OS. I wrestled with it for a while, then took it to an Apple Store. Let me just say that that, by itself, was a nightmare. Given the traffic these locations experience (and, believe me, I know because I used to work at one); I had to go to a store that was not at all near me. The two I have within easy reach were booked for weeks.



Paul Neuhaus

I write about writing, culture (pop and otherwise), and wacky stuff like UFOs. https://linktr.ee/pneuhaus