Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) — Review

Hello there, goodbye there

Paul Neuhaus
4 min readMay 30, 2022
ewan mcgregor as obi-wan kenobi
Image property of Disney

So far, Disney+ only rates a “C”. The service’s back catalog makes it a slam-dunk for families, but the original programming is a mixed bag. In fact, none of the franchise series to date (Marvel or Star Wars) are an unqualified success.

A few days ago, if you’d asked me which of those disappointing shows was the worst, I’d have said The Book of Boba Fett. That one’s a mess. It takes a beloved — albeit mysterious — character and demystifies him — badly. Initially, Fett wants to be the daimyo¹ of Tatooine. That is, he wants to claim Jabba the Hutt’s old territory and become a crime lord. Somewhere along the way, he decides he’d rather be mayor. He talks about “his people” and what he can do for them — all without a segue into this more altruistic mode. Why he starts caring about the common man is unclear — and, more importantly, uninteresting. What Boba Fett wants and why we should care is missing, so the show falls flat.

In the end, it’s nothing more than the adventures of a Sleepy Space Grandpa.

But hold the phone… I may need to revise my opinion of which Disney+ show is the worst. Obi-wan Kenobi, though it’s only two episodes into a six-episode run, looks like it might take that dubious crown.



Paul Neuhaus

I write about writing, culture (pop and otherwise), and wacky stuff like UFOs.