The digital identity by PNS for the Web 3.0

Polkadot Name System
4 min readOct 19, 2021


With the rise of Polkadot, there is a growing number of individuals and companies are willing to connect themselves to such a decentralized ecosystem, bridging to multiple networks for true interoperability, digital identity has thus become more important. With a set of validated digital attributes, authentication roadblocks can be removed with lower cost while achieving operational efficiencies.

What Is Polkadot Name System (PNS)?

PNS is a decentralized domain name system built with Substrate framework. You can use a .dot domain name to support smart contracts, domain names, wallets, and NFTs, etc., thereby building a domain-specific chain that has its own parameterization and features.

In the era of chain-maximalism, your account, digital wallet, or NFT are represented by a long string chain. Today, with the application of PNS, you can create your very own digital identity for Web 3.0 with a domain name that you have full permission to manage and use.

Serve as Your Personal Domain

Let’s take my name ‘larri S’ as an example, I have 2 digital wallets, 7 types of cryptocurrencies, 1 NFT avatar, 3 NFT art pieces, 2 NFT characters, and 5 Web 2.0 social media accounts.

With the assistance of PNS, all I need to do is obtain a domain name larri, and connect every dot above mentioned to one place. By having a unique digital identity, third parties can send me money via rather than using only machine-readable attributes. can automatically parse the transaction details and deposit the currency to the corresponding address.

PNS will also automatically generate a domain name that ends in the to denote the top of the PNS tree without the need for any plug-ins. By typing in the browser, you can access the NFT avatars, art pieces, and characters I’ve collected. The NFT platform will only display digital assets transactions that belong to me due to privacy and security.

Specific subdomains can be used if I want to share contents by pages as per the example below:

Of course, Web 2.0 accounts can also be placed on the same platform. Whoever wants to learn more about me, can use to access all unforgeable and authentic credentials that belong to me.

Serve as A domain for Business

In the digital economy, identity is a unique asset for both individuals and companies. Businesses can also leverage digital ID by setting up subdomains for employees according to their needs.

Let me go a bit further, the organization I work for is called PNS, and I work there as a researcher. In this case, PNS can register as an organizational domain and then set up as a subdomain for me.

All content displayed on, from currency addresses to NFT assets are each unique, non-fungible, with proven ownership as a personal domain.

Set against this context, you can put your trust in me as a researcher of PNS when I contact you with the domain name, Trust and authenticity are now reachable even in the intangible digital world.

We sometimes see businesses and organizations share the same name, and PNS could stand for “Potato N Strawberry”, “Peripheral Nervous System”, “Polka Address” or “Polka Identity”; but at the end of the day, there is only one, a piece of convincing evidence beyond doubt.

Features and functions of PNS

Infrastructure based on Polkadot Ecosystem

Instead of having independent parachains, PNS itself is an interoperable ecosystem built with Substrate Pallet components on parachains, an open-source multi-chain ecological architecture that offers domain name services for all parachains in the Polkadot clan.

Decentralized DNS

PNS provides a decentralized protocol for every Substrate node to operate as a DNS server, realizing a more secure, transparent, and open domain name system.

NFT Integration

The domain name itself is unique and indivisible, it can be used as an NFT for circulation and transaction in the market.

The domain name can also be bound to the NFT platform. By integrating the PNS domain name with the NFT platform, corresponding digital content will be made available for easy access and presentation.

Digital Identity

Users can link their digital assets to the PNS domain name as a unified entrance for individuals to access in multiple chains.

A business, community or organization can register subdomains for its members, serving as organizational credentials.

Each domain name can be bound to a variety of social network identities and communication channels, achieving better extensibility.

Users have full ownership and management permission over their digital identities and can integrate and gather data from multi-chain under one roof, serving as personal ID and digital gateway for Web 3.0.

We are On the way…

PNS will run a public beta soon. We invite you to join our community and stay tuned for our progress!

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Polkadot Name System

PNS is an open, decentralized domain name system on the Polkadot blockchain.