3 min readDec 16, 2023


SpaceCatch is an innovative mobile game project that merges traditional gameplay with advanced technologies like augmented reality (AR), blockchain, and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). This project stands out for its unique “move-to-earn” model, which is a novel concept in the gaming industry, particularly in the context of blockchain and NFT-based games.

Key Features of SpaceCatch:

1.Move-to-Earn Model: SpaceCatch is distinctive for its move-to-earn model, which allows players to earn in-game items and rewards through physical activity and movement. This model differs from the more common play-to-earn approach and is designed to promote physical activity among players. Unlike other move-to-earn games that rely on inflationary tokens, SpaceCatch has developed a system independent of the influx of new players and capital, aiming for a sustainable economy within the game.

2. Crafting Potions & Boosters: Players in SpaceCatch can use the items they earn through physical activity to create potions and boosters. These items play a crucial role in the game, significantly impacting player progression. The rarest potions, which are crafted at the highest levels, will be available as NFTs, allowing players to trade them for real money.

3. AR and Blockchain Integration: The game integrates augmented reality and blockchain technology, offering players a unique gaming experience that combines elements of the physical and virtual worlds.

4. NFT Components: SpaceCatch employs a variety of NFTs, both non-inflationary and inflationary, to enhance player interactions and avatar upgrades. The game features exclusive Genesis NFTs and in-game Boosters, which are key to progressing in the game.

5. Tokenomics of SpaceCatch: The game’s native token, $CATCH, has a total supply of 100 million, designed to serve as a premium in-game currency. It allows access to special game features and serves as a store of value for players. The tokenomics are structured to reduce inflationary pressures, with a significant portion of the total supply entering circulation immediately after launch.

6. Game Development and Launch: The development of SpaceCatch began in early 2022, with active work starting in the fall of the same year. The team behind SpaceCatch has emphasized the importance of delivering a solid product first, deviating from the trend of releasing tokens or NFTs before the game’s development. A demo of the game is set to be released, followed by a beta version and ultimately the full version.

7. Market Reception: SpaceCatch’s initial NFT offerings witnessed a rapid sale, with the first 500 out of 10,000 NFTs selling out within 33 seconds. This indicates a strong market interest in the project.

8. Professional Development Team: The game is being developed by Pixelfield, a professional gaming studio, ensuring a high-quality gaming experience.

In summary, SpaceCatch aims to innovate in the blockchain gaming space by integrating AR technology, a sustainable economic model, and a focus on physical activity through its move-to-earn concept. This approach differentiates it from other blockchain games and offers a potentially more balanced and engaging gaming experience. The game’s development roadmap, tokenomics, and market response so far suggest a strong potential for success in the growing field of blockchain and NFT-based gaming.

