Why Logos Matter: The Essential Role They Play in Brand Identity

Pocket Designer
3 min readMay 1, 2024
Logo Design for Startups | Pocket Designer

When you visualize a business, the logo often comes to mind instantly. However, the logo is more than a generic design; the embodiment of the company stands as a visual ambassador for the brand.

It creates a business advantage and captures the attention of consumers. It also represents the core value of the brand at a glance.

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Why do you need a logo?

A logo is a visual identity of your brand or business. It is a unique symbol or design that helps to identify and differentiate your company from others in the market.

The single most important goal of a logo will always be to give you identity to the person, product, business, or service. Here are the reasons why you need a logo.

A logo is the face of a business, brand and service. Here are the reasons why log matters in the real business world.

Establish Instant Brand Recognition:

A well-designed logo is memorable and helps customers remember the brand.

Shapes and colours are more readily processed and remembered by the human brain compared to words. This implies that if a brand’s identity stands out in the market, it becomes simpler to locate and recognize the company, engage with its services, and recommend it to others.

Create a Good first impression:

The company has one chance to impress and attract potential from so many businesses in the world. However, if the logo fails to impress, then this potential will go elsewhere.

Some business owners take the DIY route or use cheap amateur designers, not realizing how damaging bad design can be to them when first impressions are so important.

Remember that there is nothing more costly than cheap design — taking the cheapest and quickest route will sum up the losses of the company.

Communicate brand values:

Though the primary function of the logo is to give identity, you can leverage important brand messages and values. Remember that it should be simple and you should stick to one idea.

For instance, Amazon’s logo has a smile behind its name and communicates happiness or receiving something that you have always wanted. Its positivity is enhanced by the bright orange colour, a colour I personally associate with warmth, fun, and sunshine. In addition to the obvious, the smile is also an arrow that connects the A’s to the Z’s, showing that they offer a wide range of products — very clever!


A true understanding of the role of logo design will help you create stronger brand identities that work for the business rather than just creating a pretty picture. It serves as a visual representation of your brand’s values, facilitates brand recall, and creates marketing opportunities.



Pocket Designer

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