Top 12 Affiliate Marketing Statistics 2021

Pocket Money Recipes
8 min readSep 22, 2021


Top 12 Affiliate Marketing Statistics 2021: Top 12 statistics that shows the current status of Affiliate marketing industry.
Top Affiliate Marketing Statistics of 2021

Affiliate marketing has become the best way to drive more sales and revenue. Affiliate marketing brings good opportunities for both business and affiliate marketers. Businesses can get additional sales, and affiliate marketers can earn commissions for those sales.

An added benefit for someone starting an affiliate marketing business is it takes little or no initial investment to get started.

In this article, we will share with you some exciting and predictable information. We hope that after reading the top affiliate marketing statistics of 2021, your interest in affiliate marketing will increase.

What is the status of affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing has become one of the most popular ways to make money online since the tremendous growth of the 2000s. But what is Affiliate Marketing exactly? Simply put, affiliate marketing is a way to make money by advertising other people’s products and services.

Affiliate marketers search for a product of their choice and then promote that product or service to earn a small portion of the profit from each sale.

General Affiliate Marketing Statistics 2021

Here we have some general affiliate marketing statistics. These statistics will give you an idea of the current scenario of the approved marketing industry. And when numbers are gathered from different sources, it shows you which way affiliate marketing is heading. See full statistics and know-how affiliate marketers make money.

1. Affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry

According to Statista, by 2022, the US alone is expecting to expand its affiliate marketing spending to $8.2 billion. This amount is almost triple compared to 10 years earlier. In Awin Reports, it was estimated that globally advertisers invested $13 billion in affiliate marketing in 2017. Both these numbers are consistent with an upward trend. And marketers are expecting that the thrive will continue in 2021 and beyond.

Have you made your affiliate marketing blueprint yet? If not, check out “The Affiliate Marketing Blueprint” FREE eBook here. It can make your affiliate marketing journey a lot easier.

2. Between 2015 and 2020, the search for ‘Affiliate Marketing’ increased by 200%

According to Google Trends, from 2015 to 2020, searches for affiliate marketing have dramatically increased. The search number touched the highest point in December 2020.

The main reason behind this surge is a rapid increase in online shopping and a downfall in traditional retail shopping. In fact, the Covid-19 situation has prompted shoppers to follow online shopping practices further. Marketers are expecting that this trend will continue.

3. Worldwide, 85% of consumers go to Google for information about the product they want to buy

According to Kenshoo, 85% of customers turn to Google before purchasing a product. The rate for the same intent on Amazon is 72% and for eBay, it is 38%.

Top 12 Affiliate Marketing Statistics 2021: According to Kenshoo, 85% of customers turn to Google before purchasing a product. The rate for the same intent on Amazon is 72% and for eBay, it is 38%.
Data shows 85% of consumers go to Google before purchase

These statistics are almost similar for global affiliate marketing. For example, in the UK, US, France, and Germany, almost 80% to 85% of shoppers trust the available information on Google before the purchase.

This means that affiliate marketers have a lot of potentials to reach a targeted audience and increase their profits.

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4. Statistics show that more than 80% of brands have affiliate programs

We have already mentioned that starting an affiliate marketing business requires very little or no initial investment. Even this trend is the same for brands. According to MediaKix, more than 80% of brands have affiliate programs.

It is a fact that marketers have become more dependent on affiliate marketing. The reason is simple, brands want to make good profits without big investments. And affiliate marketers make it even more possible for those brands.

5. Around 25% of all affiliate programs belong to the fashion industry

Do you love fashion? If yes, then it’s then the study report from “AM Navigator” can be interesting to you.

As per the report, nearly 25% of all affiliate programs belong to the fashion industry. The sports and Outdoors industry comes in second with 18%. With 14%, the Health and Beauty industry comes in the third position.

Top 12 Affiliate Marketing Statistics 2021: According to report, nearly 25% affiliate programs belong to the Fashion industry.
Nearly 25% of all affiliate programs belong to the Fashion industry

Apart from these three industries, Electronics, Home and Garden, and Travel also come under high ranking industries.

Influencers and bloggers should know which industries are rising and have the most affiliate programs.

6. Nearly 81.4% of affiliate marketers promote B2C products or services

These are, most authorized marketers promote B2C offers. About 81.4% of affiliate marketers promote B2C offers. The remaining 16.6% of authorized marketers focus on promoting B2B products and services.

Top 12 Affiliate Marketing Statistics 2021: Top 5 industries that affiliate marketers promote the most.
Top 5 industries that affiliate marketers promote the most

The top 5 categories most promoted by affiliate marketers are Computer and Electronics (40%), Clothing/ Apparel (41%), Online Services (30%), Accessories (29%), and Health & Beauty (28%). ). In addition to these top 5 categories, affiliates are also promoting Business (25%) and Marketing (20%). Both these categories fall under the top 10 categories that affiliate marketers promote.

Now, you may be wondering, what is the top traffic source for these affiliate marketers! OK, according to the same report, SEO (69%) and Blogging (64%). These two traffic sources are interconnected. Social networks (67%) are also a good source of traffic for affiliate marketers. These are the top 3 traffic sources that most affiliate marketers use.

7. According to affiliate marketing success stats, almost 16% of all online orders generate because of affiliate marketing spending

According to special research, online shoppers who go through affiliate programs and recommendations can spend more money to buy products or services than those who choose to buy their products or services directly.

According to another data from the CJ Affiliate report shows that the average buyers spend 31% less than the affiliate marketing customers. Similarly, for affiliate customers, the average order value is 21% more than the no affiliate customers. Overall, these customers help to generate 58% higher revenue from the average customers.

8. With 69.22%, SEO has become the best global traffic source for affiliate marketers

By far, the best way to generate traffic is content marketing through blogs. A report from Awin shows that 65% of affiliate marketers choose content marketing to generate traffic.

However, without SEO the content is not enough to generate traffic. This is why SEO plays a big role in content marketing. Also, you should know that generating traffic through SEO can generate more and better leads than advertising. It will cost 60% less than other leads generated methods.

The second best way after content marketing is to use social media networks. Also, anyone can easily start promoting their blog content through social networks. This can give them better results.

Apart from these two sources, two other sources can also generate good traffic. The first is email marketing and the second is pay per click. For email marketing methods, you must have or create your email list. For pay per click, you can simply get started with Google ads. But, initially, it can be expensive for you.

SEO is very important for your success in affiliate marketing and hosting plays a big role in SEO performance. So, always try to use a premium hosting service.
It won’t cost you more than $ 5 to use a premium hosting service. You can check out the details here.

9. Since April 2020, nearly 37% of online shoppers have made their first purchase through an affiliate channel

In July 2020, the number of approved marketers applying for the Amazon Associate Affiliate program increased by 150%, according to a report by Finance Online.

For the whole of 2020 alone, the estimated annual cost for authorized marketing was 12 billion. It seems the Covid situation became more conducive to this industry. In fact, it continues into 2021 and marketers expect this upward trend to continue until next year.

10. Because of its ability to monetize content, about 76% of publishers prefer affiliate marketing

There are several other ways to monetize publisher content. Google AdSense is one of them which is very popular. But, affiliate marketing is becoming a good way to monetize many publishers.

According to a report by VigLink, affiliate marketing is becoming a new stream of revenue for 65% of publishers. About 45% of publishers prefer to avoid the visual hassle caused by on-page banner advertising. Affiliate marketing has become a good source of revenue for them. 28% of publishers have no problem with affiliate marketing.

Finally, affiliate marketing can be a good and easy source of income if you start a new blog.

11. Do you know Jason Stone who has earned $7 million from affiliate marketing in 18 months?

“Can I Make Millions From Affiliate Marketing?” If this question comes to your mind. Then you must know about Jason Stone.

Jason is an affiliate marketer and serial entrepreneur. She started building her followers in 2014 and has been growing ever since. Currently, he has 7.9 million followers on Instagram.

Instagram is a very popular social media platform and currently has over 6 billion monthly visitors. Many companies use this platform to reach their potential buyers. Jason Stone was one of them who first started using the potential of the platform.

The results were quite amazing. In 18 months, he was able to earn $7 million. Apparently many think that it took only 18 months to earn these millions. But it was a reward for Jason’s years of hard work and dedication.

12. Nearly 35% of affiliate marketers earn around $20K as annual revenue from the affiliate marketing

After showing some impressive statistics, we should not ignore some interesting revenue statistics. However, affiliate marketing is a huge chapter. There are plenty of niches and sub-niches inside this huge chapter. So, it is a little difficult to provide accurate information about the average income of affiliate marketers.

According to a benchmark report from AffStat, about 35% of affiliates revealed that they earned $ 20,000 annually from authorized marketing.

It may be that you have seen some affiliates publish their earnings on various forums or social networks and perhaps the amount of income was more or less surprising. We will not deny those figures without proof.

In fact, you must remember that most affiliates do not use a single or one particular affiliate network. They promote multiple products or services across different affiliate networks. This helps them increase their chances of earning more. Also, there are many affiliate products and services that provide recurring commissions. This increases the chances of earning further.

So, there are a lot of opportunities in affiliate marketing. Of course, you will not become rich overnight. But, if you do it consistently and appropriately, you can get what you deserve.

Final Thought:

We hope, after reading the full article, you will get an idea of ​​how big the affiliate marketing industry is. Also, we think the statistics we have shown from various sources prove the upward trend of this industry.

If you can do it right, the sky’s the limit. The barrier to entry is low to join an affiliate program. You can easily join any affiliate network. Also, if you already have a website, you can easily monetize it. Otherwise, you can easily start your affiliate marketing blog.

Finally, there is no right time to take a good step. Every moment is the right time to start.



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