Pocket Towne


Developer Update 6.30.23

Happy pre-alpha day Pocketers! We have been hard at work and even though there are many imperfections in the release, we are quite proud of what we have built so far. What started as a few sketches 2 years ago is now a NFT that provides the assets to customize your character in the game of Pocket Towne. Using the metadata from our Genesis paper doll NFTs on the Cardano blockchain was the plan for utility that we started with.

concept art to in-game model

Above you can see the journey from the very first conceptual sketch drawing of our project to where we are today. Next update will be more in depth as we get into a regular rhythm of updating the pre-alpha client. For now check out the pictures below and have a Hoppadoondong day!

from character customizer to in-game
the spiders are deadly!
someone other than the mayor made it the end of intothesky!



Pocket Towne Developer Log

Metaverse built on Cardano. Western/Sci-Fi/Fantasy themed. Artist centric and collaboration friendly. Take it down to Pocket Towne.