Pocket Towne

Pocket Towne Developer Log
4 min readJan 28, 2023


Developer Update 1.28.23

Pocket Towne launcher in its first form

G’day Pocketers! It is, once again, time for us to share details of our ongoing development. Our pre-alpha time-line of June puts the pressure on us to remain as productive as possible. We really want to deliver on as many features as possible for our community to help us test our first release. Throughout the bear market, our development team has remained small and frugal. This should allow us to thrive going forward. Hard to believe we launched our Genesis Paper Dolls just a year ago, so much building has happened since then!

The Character Customizer continues to build functionality, and you may recognize the backgrounds pictured below as well. In-game backgrounds were made from the backgrounds that are present in our Genesis Paper Doll NFTs. These backgrounds will not only provide the scenery while creating your character, but will provide permanent buffs while set as your active character background.

Character Creator with backgrounds!

The male and female characters are both getting very close to a finished state for pre-alpha. Clothing and hair physics will likely be delayed until after pre-alpha as we feel the character is in a good place for this early release. We are now able to start focusing more on the different in-game activities you will be able to do. These new features will provide players with a more immersive and engaging gameplay experience. We have already successfully implemented combat, fishing, and farming with our customized character. The only functions we are likely to add to the character before pre-alpha now is horse-back riding and vehicles. We can’t wait to give players a taste of what’s to come and our first release of the game will provide valuable feedback as we continue development. Check out some early combat pics below staged on the Intothesky event zone.

early combat pics with the Male Avatar

We are also pleased to announce that we have begun construction of the Wolf Saloon, which will be a key location in the game. H, our lead modeler, delivered the first build about a week ago. He has already delivered revisions based on our feedback as well. Charly Castle, which is another massive location in the game, is also coming along nicely.

Wolf Saloon early build
Charly Castle early build

Kardall was able to deliver the the first successful compiling of our game code. We expect to be playing together in the game world for pre-pre-alpha testing sometime in February. After resolving several of the errors we were experiencing during the compile process, it is encouraging to see progress. It would seem to indicate we don’t have any major issues in our build so far. We are also working on overhauling, rewriting and giving more functionality to our verification system. This system being efficient and secure is paramount to us moving forward.

We have had a few new conversations with up and coming projects as well as more established ones. It is our belief that these potential partnerships will make adding meaningful content to our game much easier. Projects that partner with us can look forward to finding customized ways to uniquely represent themselves in Pocket Towne.

Hopefully, this update whets the whistle a bit for those who look forward to reading these developer logs. There is too much that happens during any given month to detail all the work that is getting done. See you next time and take it down to Pocket Towne!



Pocket Towne Developer Log

Metaverse built on Cardano. Western/Sci-Fi/Fantasy themed. Artist centric and collaboration friendly. Take it down to Pocket Towne.