Pocket Towne

Pocket Towne Developer Log
4 min readMay 30, 2023


Development Update 5.24.23

Hullo loyal Pocketers! We are rounding the bend working furiously towards our pre-alpha launch next month. Our developer team is growing, now to a total of 8! Let’s get into the latest from Pocket Towne.

For all you wolves out there, Wolf Saloon is now in the game world at its proper position. Close to the water right along the main road through Pocket Towne it stands now ready to bring in thirsty travelers. We are refining lighting and optimizing now, which you can see a picture of below.

Our 3D modeling team has grown by one because of the demands of modeling the unique architecture of Pocket Towne. The first house is complete, except for collision and optimization. The second house should be under construction soon as well. It is quite rewarding to see the concept art come alive the game world as a 3D model now. There are many more buildings to come!

Exterior Pocket Towne house #1
Interior Pocket Towne house #1

I mentioned earlier that our team has grown. Well not only did we add an additional 3D modeler, we also were fortunate enough to add Dreams of Adania to our team. He is taking over our Pocket Towne Twitter account, check out the thread here. Dreams is a vast resource of creativity, game theory, and has some great ideas for getting excitement built for our game. This will inevitably deepen the partnership between Pocket Towne and Adania as well.

Adania Adventurer sampler

The Overgrown is coming alive with the thick out-of-control plant life we are looking for. The foliage grows larger here than in the rest of Pocket Towne and the enemies pose big threats to unprepared explorers. We have begun populating this area with the creatures you will fight early on in your gaming experience, but the depths of the Overgrown will also contain challenges and monsters that will require good equipment and experience.

We are working through the pains of converting from host/client server setup to a dedicated server. We have now converted our Unreal project to a C++ project to make this change in server setup. We are regularly testing new builds to get as many gameplay elements working before our pre-alpha release at the end of June. We expect to be upgrading the project to Unreal Engine 5.2 shortly after pre-alpha due to certain bug fixes in that version of Unreal Engine that directly affect our current builds.

The discord battle bot continues to grow in utilization, now being supported by the projects shown in the picture below. Projects looking to add fun functionality to your NFTs, contact us for details on how to add it to your discord server.

Luke AKA the Mayor had an interview about Pocket Towne at a wonderful event called Cardano Game Fest. Many gaming projects building on the Cardano blockchain gathered to play games, hand out prizes and talk about their respective developments. The event was recorded and features a short runaround through an early build of the Overgrown (may have gotten attacked by a rogue boar). You can watch it below.

That is gonna do it for this month’s update! Until next time, Have a Hoppadoondong day and take it down to Pocket Towne.



Pocket Towne Developer Log

Metaverse built on Cardano. Western/Sci-Fi/Fantasy themed. Artist centric and collaboration friendly. Take it down to Pocket Towne.