Poetic BB ✨
Dec 10, 2023


Photo by. Dreamstime


Even when there is no holiday you make me feel alive . The sparkling of your many crystals dazzling. Keeps me dancing inside . Tall as you stand sometimes pass the sky. How can I loose sleep, with your branches in my eyes. All your many colors, styles and extravagant ways. I don’t wait until Christmas to count 12 days. You represent so much more then just beauty I must say. It’s the Christ in you that keeps me going in all of my ways. So glad for his birth it brought your green pines here . I am amaze 365 days of the year.



Poetic BB ✨

Poetry is my Art 🖼️🖤 #godfirst🙏🏾 #writingismygift✍🏽 #futureauthor📖 Luke 1:37✝️ #blackqueen👑 https://instagram.com/poems_of_bb?igshid=MjEwN2IyYWYwYw==