
Farhan Asif Yousaf Zai
3 min readSep 28, 2023


Free Verse Poem, Poem on Environment, Poem on Nature


Sprouting out upwards towards the tainted sky,
The grassy forest once lasted acres away,
Sunlight settles onto it with ease,
As it is no longer covered in leaves,

Gnawing on both ends,
It continues to stay essential,
Perks up the morning blend,
Immersed with the fog and sprayed droplets,

Artifacts displaying its achievements,
Grass-like appearances that lessen the appease,
The same care and uses as other trees,
And the backbone for many of the species there.

Sarah Shahzad, September 2023

World Bamboo Day

Bamboo Poem

This poem appears to describe the growth and significance of bamboo in a forest ecosystem. Let’s analyse it stanza by stanza:

First Stanza

“Bamboo sprouting out upwards towards the tainted sky, / The grassy forest once lasted acres away, / Sunlight settles onto it with ease, / As it is no longer covered in leaves,” These lines depict bamboo shoots growing towards the sky, reaching above the canopy of the forest. The mention of the “tainted sky” suggests environmental challenges. The poem hints at a transformation from a grassy forest to one dominated by these plants, which allows more sunlight to reach the ground as it has fewer leaves.

Second Stanza

“Gnawing on both ends, / It continues to stay essential, / Perks up the morning blend, / Immersed with the fog and sprayed droplets,” Here, the poem personifies bamboo by saying it’s “gnawing on both ends,” likely referring to how animals might consume its leaves and shoots. Despite this, bamboo remains essential to the ecosystem. The phrase “perks up the morning blend” suggests its contribution to the beauty and vitality of the forest. It’s also described as interacting with natural elements like fog and droplets, highlighting its connection to the environment.

Third Stanza

“Artifacts displaying its achievements, / Grass-like appearances that lessen the appease, / The same care and uses as other trees, / And the backbone for many of the species there.” In this final stanza, the poem emphasizes its significance. “Artifacts displaying its achievements” could refer to the presence of bamboo and its historical importance. “Grass-like appearances that lessen the appease” might imply that bamboo’s appearance may not be as grand as some trees but still plays a crucial role. “The same care and uses as other trees” suggests that it should be appreciated and protected like other trees in the forest. Finally, describing bamboo as “the backbone for many of the species there” underscores its importance as a foundational element of the ecosystem, providing habitat and sustenance for various species like Red Panda.

Bamboo Poem Conclusion

Overall, this poem highlights the resilience and importance of bamboo in the forest ecosystem. It highlights bamboo’s role as a vital component of the natural world and its ability to adapt and thrive in challenging conditions.

This poem is dedicated to World Bamboo Day.

Bamboo World Bamboo Day

