Thomas Goldsmith Oppenheimer
1 min readAug 14, 2016


So, the theory is that humans have been spewing carbon into the atmosphere at a debilitating rate (collectively) since the Industrial Revolution. Let’s mark that date at 1850 just for convenience. For roughly 166 years, the people on the planet, but primarily Western societies for most of that time, are the primary contributors to this century and a half in the making development.

What’s the solution? How does one seriously propose that we have a mechanism for mitigating 166 years worth of damage? If carbon reduction is the key, why isn’t any country categorically curtailing the destruction of forests, or at least spearheading the reforestation of vast tracts of land? Why is no one demanding that China scrub their coal-fired power planets?

I don’t deny climate change. I don’t even deny human contribution to it.

I see no sign that ANY country is committed to doing anything about it, and I suspect that this is because they can’t or don’t want to. Why would that be?



Thomas Goldsmith Oppenheimer

Lifelong writer, storyteller, and wordsmith. Hope there is some wisdom creeping to the surface on occastion.