Even the Weather Is Racist In America

sarah warden
3 min readJan 18, 2019
Photo by mwangi gatheca on Unsplash

There was a CATASTROPHIC SNOW EVENT here in the great state of Virginia and the end of times is now upon us y’all.

The bread, milk, water, and batteries are gone from the stores and the neighbors are anxiously looking from their windows to see when the plow is coming. It is apocalyptic. A whole ten inches, the snow is almost (almost!) high enough to wet your trousers above your boots.

Provisions must be carefully guarded, shotguns loaded, and generators primed — the South stands always ready!

I admit that I am mesmerized by this behavior.

It’s like watching a rehearsal for The Walking Dead, where the accents are not quite deep Georgia and the zombies are not at all who you would think.

I am from Albany, NY originally and, when I was a kid, a winter storm in OCTOBER knocked down so many trees that the power was out for a week. In my twenties, I was living in Detroit, Michigan when a New Years Blizzard swooped through and dumped almost two feet of snow on Motown in a 24 hour period. I don’t remember much of my 1986 experience with snowpocalypse (seeing as I was preoccupied with the making of my snow fort, excuse me, SheSnowFort) but Detroit was, as always, memorable.

The main street that cuts through the city is Woodward Avenue and it is divided by roads…

