The “healthy” cookie V.2

2 min readOct 13, 2018


”booo you’ve talked about this already!!”

I know I know let me explain. I don’t think I’ve shared the absolute naked version of this cookie. I haven’t made it in a while cos I’ve been trying to spice things up for the kiddos. This is the grown up version.

It’s been this side quest of mine to figure out easy to make alternatives for everyday treats. Cookies, cake, bread. There are times where I want the MOST GUILTY version, and there are times where I just want the most simple GUILT-FREE version. This is the latter.

Most cookies are made from a combination of flour, milk, sugar, eggs. Nothing wrong with it, it’s just for those of us on a weight loss journey it means it’s probably not something we can have everyday. Well technically if you love it that much you could, but I think that’s the minority of us.

This cookie is super simple, two ingredients:
1 banana
1/2 cup oats

Optional ingredients:
chocolate chips
coconut flakes
dried fruits
peanut butter

Mash all ingredients together thoroughly. Mold it into desired shape in a oven safe pan.

Baking time:
170C for minimal 30min. Longer is fine, but you’ll have to keep an eye out. Once it starts to brown a little bit it spreads really quickly after.

1 banana is roughly 100kcal
1/2cup oats is roughly 150kcal
The whole batch will cost 250kcal. WHOLE BATCH. If you made 4 cookies, each one is 63kcal.

Depending on how thick or thin you molded it, it’ll have a slightly different texture. Thicker it kinda tastes like a granola bar, thinner it’s kinda like dried bananas. The more ripe the banana is, the sweeter the taste will be.

Personally I’m a volume eater. I just love to chew, love to munch, love to eat. I’ll be the first to be honest with you that this isn’t gonna be the best cookie you’ve ever tasted in the world. Probably far from it. It definitely won’t be the worse. But it’s definitely a ‘guilt-free’ one with controlled calories, and highly nutritious compared to regular cookies.

For me, they make the perfect table side snack.

What’s your favorite home-cooked recipe?

Thanks for reading ❤️

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The Pohhu Experience is documenting life after losing over -110lbs(-50k). Daily videos on IGTV about weight loss / nutrition / fitness. IG: @pohhuexp