BitEclipse the Best trading platform with an experienced team that has gained knowledge for the past 20 years of the financial industry.

point 8
3 min readFeb 18, 2020


Hello, my people in the industry please allow me to use an understandable language that will be very clear for reader to catch my points, at this moment I want to introduce a special project to you that will be very helpful in your financial boosting and added advantages to you as well in learning multiple things from the platform.

Since the introduction of many trading platforms today it has really positioned the world in an enjoyable phase of living, trading, payment, and withdrawal are made easy for us as the beneficiaries by which it has particularly engaged our day to day transactions not even limited to any users but to some country that have not legally accept blockchain and crypto coin, although I’m very sure that such places are looking for the best way to accept but most people in such entity do consult another client from are different space to assist them and do some trades (exchanging) digital money to their own local currencies but some people will bridge the agreement due to lack of trust and lack of security. Now where I mine deriving to? we have heard of many reputable trading platforms losing their funds which is a result of insecurity with less of adequate monitoring that is why we implore a project called “BitEclipse”

BitEclipse is all in one online trading for multi-resource trading system made with long financial market understanding the advanced FinTech and ICT innovation, this platform is being designed and carried out with learnable, Experienced and professional team originated from Investment Bank / HFT (High-Frequency Trading) Hedge Fund and FinTech ICT Vendor with 20 years+ knowledge and experience in the industry. It is NEVER too much to say that we have devoted our whole life into the financial industry and witnessed Online Trading (Financial eCommerce) Enterprise History of all business level from Retail, Wholesales, and to Institutional

Our features

1. Monetize and Generate Stable Dealing & Market Making Profit.

2. Enrichment of Service Quality & Product Line-up; Lending Service, Options Trading, Binary Options Trading, System / Copy Trade Service, Listing other CryptoCurrency or Token on BitEclipse Exchange Market

3. Expanding payment and settlement enterprises

4. Security and Know your Client or Customer (KYC) Enhancement

5. Fighting against Money Laundering, Anti-Social Forces, and Terrorism.

6. Arrange BET block-chained and list it on other Exchanges.

7. Email verification (One Time Password)

Well let me end my writeups here, the only thing I have to say Is that putting your resources in the BitEclipse trading platform will fitch you a great benefit to boost your financial struggle in a big different phase of life. Please also make use of our official sites that will give you a piece of unrestricted information from the system including how to speak with our project team and the Technical support group.

Note: for market proposal and any marketable ideas you connect us directly to our official site.

how to sign up and access the platform

the trading platform can be accessed through web and mobile APP

  1. Register here
  2. Confirm your email
  3. Copy your OTP
  4. login to have full access to exchange

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Telegram | BET Details |


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