Meet Turtle

Points for Purpose
2 min readDec 7, 2016

Does everything always happen for a reason?

Sometimes it’s very hard to see the light with so much darkness around you.

I met a 37 year old man recently who called himself Turtle. He spoke of losing his 4 year old son to a tragic accident many years in his past. He spoke of the ill-considered events that have occurred since this death that he believes have defined him.

We all make bad decisions in life, some of us much worse than others. But until we can forgive ourselves, we’ll never be the best version of ourselves going forward.

Turtle is not proud of the way he has acted as a young man let alone as an adult, not proud of how he has represented his culture, not proud of who he’s become. But he doesn’t give himself a chance going forward either — believing he’ll always amount to nothing.

When we met, he talked and I listened. On the surface you wouldn’t want to be close to what this man’s capable of, but just one layer beneath the surface is a remorseful man who wants to do good by others, make his elders proud, and wants to make something of his life.

But if he won’t believe in himself, how will anyone else?

When I handed over a sleeping bag, Turtle immediately said ‘my brother needs this more than me, the camouflage will keep him hidden from trouble and the warmth will protect him from the cold’. We happily gave them a bag each.

If you’d like to sleep a little easier knowing you’ve helped a person on our streets, please donate your points or buy a bag at

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Points for Purpose

A social movement to increase happiness, kindness & equality in our world. Using loyalty points to purchase items of Purpose for people in desperate need.