Can I Do Boxing After Lasik?

Explore the possibility of returning to boxing post-Lasik surgery and understand the precautions you need to take.

Pooja Gupta
4 min readJan 29, 2024
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Can I Play Boxing After Lasik

LASIK, or Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a popular refractive eye surgery that corrects vision problems. Post-surgery, many patients are eager to resume their active lifestyles, which may include contact sports like boxing. However, these sports present potential risks to the eyes, especially after a surgical procedure like LASIK. This article explores the possibility of returning to boxing after LASIK surgery, outlining the necessary precautions and steps to ensure you protect your eyes while enjoying your sport. It is essential to understand these details before hopping back into the ring to ensure the longevity of your surgical results.

The safe waiting period for resuming boxing after LASIK surgery can vary depending on a few factors, but generally, you should wait at least 12 weeks before stepping back into the ring. Here’s a breakdown:

Healing Stages:

  • First six weeks: Your cornea’s protective flap needs time to heal and adhere firmly to it. Avoid any activities that could put a strain on your eyes, including contact sports like boxing.
  • 6–12 weeks: At this stage, your eyes are significantly healed but still vulnerable to trauma. Consider wearing protective goggles during low-contact activities like shadowboxing or light bag work.
  • Twelve weeks and beyond: Once you reach the 12-week mark, your eyes should be fully healed and strong enough for boxing. However, using protective gear (headgear and goggles) is still a wise precaution to shield your eyes from accidental blows.

Additional factors to consider:

  • Individual healing: Healing times can vary slightly between individuals. Your doctor will monitor your progress and provide a personalized timeline for resuming boxing based on your specific case.
  • Type of LASIK: Different LASIK techniques might have slightly different recovery periods. Talk to your doctor about the specific recommendations for your procedure.
  • Previous eye conditions: If you had pre-existing eye conditions before LASIK, your doctor might advise an even longer wait before boxing.

The decision to resume boxing after LASIK surgery depends on several factors. Here are key considerations:

  1. Healing and Recovery: LASIK surgery involves reshaping the cornea, and the initial healing period is critical for the success of the procedure. Your eye surgeon will provide specific guidelines on when it is safe to resume various activities. Follow their advice closely.
  2. Stability of Vision: Ensure that your vision has stabilized post-LASIK. This may take several weeks or months. Your vision must be clear and stable before engaging in activities like boxing.
  3. Eye Protection: Even after the initial healing period, consider using protective eyewear during sports activities. Specialized sports goggles or glasses can help minimize the risk of injury to your eyes.
  4. Potential Complications: Be aware of potential complications associated with LASIK, such as dry eyes, glare, halos, or other visual disturbances. If you experience persistent issues, discuss them with your eye surgeon before returning to boxing.
  5. Personal Comfort and Confidence: Assess your personal comfort and confidence level. If you feel any hesitations or discomfort, it’s essential to discuss them with your eye doctor.
  6. Individual Variations: People heal differently, and individual variations in healing and recovery may exist. Your eye surgeon will consider your specific case and provide recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

In addition to the 12-week wait mentioned earlier, here are some specific safety precautions you should follow when returning to boxing after LASIK surgery:

Protective gear:

  • Headgear: Choose a well-fitting helmet with adequate padding around the eyes and forehead. This helps absorb impact and reduce the risk of blows landing directly on your eyes.
  • Goggles: Look for sports goggles with polycarbonate lenses that offer optimal protection against impact and debris. Consider wraparound styles for maximum coverage.
  • Mouthpiece: Wearing a mouthguard can help protect your teeth and jaw, which can indirectly protect your eyes from forceful impacts.

Training adjustments:

  • Gradual progression: Start with non-contact drills and shadowboxing before progressing to light bag work. Gradually increase intensity and duration over time.
  • Avoid sparring: For at least the first 3–6 months after LASIK, avoid any activities involving physical contact with others, including sparring. This significantly reduces the risk of accidental eye injuries.
  • Minimize eye strain: Limit activities that might put strain on your eyes, such as hitting the heavy bag with excessive force or spending prolonged periods in dusty or windy environments.

General precautions:

  • Post-workout eye care: Use lubricating eye drops after training to alleviate dryness and irritation.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to any discomfort or pain, especially around your eyes. Stop immediately and consult your doctor if you experience any issues.
  • Regular checkups: Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your eye surgeon to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns.

Additional tips:

  • Consider using tear wipes or a portable eyewash for quick on-the-go cleaning and hydration.
  • Avoid swimming or submerged activities for several weeks post-surgery to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection whenever outdoors to shield your eyes from harmful sunlight.



Pooja Gupta

I have 5+ years of Content Writing experience. Crafting engaging content that connects and inspires. Lover of words and creativity.