“Monster Hunter ” weapon skill book-Sword & Shield guide

3 min readJul 26, 2022


Sword & Shield introduce

Goodweapon to start withFast attacking combos
Great for Elemental & Status damage
Shield offers basic defensive options
Can use items with weapon drawn

“Monster Hunter “ Sword & Shield guide-1

Switch skills

Hard Basher Combo
A derivative of the Shield Slam.
Shield Bash > Hard Bash.
A melee attack using nothing buta shield. A direct hit to the head,however, may open up moreopportunities.
Hard Basher Combo
A derivative of the Shield Slam.
Shield Bash > Hard Bash.
A melee attack using nothing buta shield. A direct hit to the head,however, may open up moreopportunities.
A after a Shield Attack

Advancing Slash
A drawn attack where you performa downward slash while steppingforward.
A quick and effective action that
negates staggering and knockbacks.
Draw weapon while on the ground
X+A with your weapon unsheathed(while on the ground)

Sliding Slash
A sliding attack that slashesthe target twice.
The slide maneuver reaches far, butlacks the ability to turn. Successfullylanding the first hit or inputting thenecessary command while slidingallows for a follow-up jumping attack.
Draw weapon while on the ground X+A while on the ground
lf the first attack connects, the next moveautomatically becomes a Scaling Slash.Pressing A while sliding changes theattack to a Jumping Rising Slash.

A multi-stage attack using a Wirebug’ssilk to spin the weapon around.
Any incoming attack can be negatedwhile the weapon is spinning.

Metsu Shoryugeki

Ajumping Wirebug attack that usesyour shield to uppercut your target.
At the beginning of the attack, thereis a moment where you can performa Guard. A well-timed counter canfurther add to the damage dealt.
(Wirebug Gauge recovery speed: Medium)
While holding ZL , press A(Wirebug Gauge cost: 2)

“Monster Hunter “ Sword & Shield guide-2

weapgn moves

1. L+X sliding slash

2. X+A Advancing slash

3. X+A X sliding slash-scaling slash-jumping slash

4. X+A A sliding slash-jumping rising slash

5. ZR guard

6. XXX chop-side-slash-sword /shield combo

7. AAA lateral slash-return stroke- spining rising slash

8. ZR X X X A A A

9. Guard-rising slash-chop-side slash-lateral slash-return stroke- spining rising slash

10. ZL+X filling shadow

Best combos skills

ZR+X X X A A A X+A guard-rising slash-chop-side slash-lateral slash- return stroke-spinning rising slash

L+A X X X X A X+A backstep — pefect rush- pefect rush- pefect rush-scaling slash-falling bash- roundslash

“Monster Hunter “ Sword & Shield guide-3

Armor Skills

Critical Element,Attack Boost,Agitator,Element Attack
Peak Performance,Fire, Water, etc.Critical Eye,Status Attack,Critical Boost,Para, Sleep, etc.Weakness Exploit,Guard,Latent Power,Offensive Guard,Maximum Might,slugger.
Finally, we need to practice to get familiar with the skills, guys, hurry up !

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