Pokemon Go Central
5 min readDec 12, 2022

Evolution family

Sharpedo is part of a two-member family.




#318 Carvanha



#319 Sharpedo



Mega Sharpedo




#318 Carvanha



#319 Sharpedo



Mega Sharpedo



  • Sharpedo was released at the start of Holiday 2017 on December 21st, 2017.
  • Shiny form of Sharpedo was released at the start of Water Festival 2019 on August 23rd, 2019.
  • Shadow form of Sharpedo was released on February 3rd, 2020.
  • Shiny form of Shadow Sharpedo was released at the start of Team GO Rocket Celebration on February 2nd, 2021.

Method Maximum CP Details


Wild 1,869
(weather boosted) In wild since 2017 Dec 21Increased spawns in:
Water Festival 2018: Jun 7–21


Raid Battles 1,246
(weather boosted) Tier 3 CP 15,324Visit List of Raid Bosses changes for complete appearance

Sharpedo is a 3rd generation Pokemon that is ranked 319 in the Pokedex. It is black and aquatic and resides in the Hoenn area. This is the last stage in Pokémon Carvanha’s evolution.

Mega Sharpedo

  • Mega Sharpedo has not been released yet.

How to find and catch Pokemon Sharpedo?

Sharpedo may be found in cemeteries, squares, and parks, among other places. It may be found near any body of water, including the shores of ponds, rivers, and oceans, as well as near wetlands.

Sharpedo is an uncommon sighting on the map. It is easiest to get by evolving the Pokémon Karvanya.

Sharpedo Info


Type Candy Needed to Evolve Dark|Water -


To use combat moves, touch the screen while in battle, and the pokemon will release their attacks as quickly as they can. Attacks that are repeated will fill the bars on their specific meter. When any or all of the bars are full, press and hold the screen for a few seconds to unleash a special move. Possible Attack Moves Name Type Damage Bite Dark 6 Waterfall Water 16 Possible Special Moves Name Type Damage Number of Special Bars Poison Fang Poison 35 3 Crunch Dark 70 3 Hydro Pump Water 130 1

  • Evolves From: Carvanha


Sharpedo is a shark Pokémon with small, pointy denticles that resembles a torpedo. It has a big mouth full of sharp triangular teeth. It has deep crimson eyes that shine in the dark. It has two gill slits, one in front of each eye. It has a dark blue body and a white underbelly. It has a yellow star-shaped marking on its nose and another star-shaped pattern on its back. It has a long dorsal fin with two notches and a pelvic fin immediately opposite it. Its two pectoral fins are positioned like the fins on the rear of a torpedo.

The fangs in its mouth have transformed into retractable retractable fangs that can be regrown countless times as Mega Sharpedo, and the horns that have sprouted from its nose are retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retractable retract The yellow streaks on its body are resurfacing battle scars that caused it much agony and anguish. It can reach 125 mph in an instant using explosive propulsion. Mega Evolution enhanced its battle instincts. After charging at its opponents, Mega Sharpedo’s sharp spikes may inflict significant wounds.

Sharpedo consumes and fires forth jets of saltwater from its back, allowing it to swim at speeds of 75 to 80 miles per hour. It cannot, however, swim large distances. Because of its sharp teeth, it is feared and known as the Bully of the Sea, Ruffian of the Seas, Bandit of the Sea, or Gangster of the Sea as a group. Sharpedo finishes its opponent with its fangs. It was originally sought for its dorsal fin as a food item, but it is now endangered due to overfishing. Its teeth can rip through iron and steel, tearing a supertanker apart into bits. Sharpedo’s fangs may regrow immediately after being removed. Discarded Sharpedo’s teeth are turned into accessories in the idea that they may avert ship disasters. It also assaults any ships that enter the seas in where it resides. When its fangs fall out, they rapidly regrow. It is very sensitive to the odor of blood. It is found in the sea. Sharpedo has been seen preying on Wailmer, especially little ones. It also hunts Water-type Pokémon like Finneon, Lumineon, Lanturn, and Squirtle.

Best moveset for Sharpedo

When fighting Pokémon in Gyms, Sharpedo’s greatest moves are Waterfall and Hydro Pump. This moveset has the most overall DPS and is also the finest for PVP encounters.


Waterfall 16 dps Hydro Pump 47.3 dps


Waterfall 16 dps Crunch 26.3 dps

All moves

Quick move Damage EPS DPS Bite 6 8 14.4 Waterfall 16 6.7 16 Main move Damage EPS DPS Poison Fang 35 -19.4 20.6 Hydro Pump 130 -30.3 47.3 Crunch 70 -10.3 26.3 Frustration Shadow 10 -16.5 5 Return Purified 35 -47.1 50

The green moves benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus and deliver 20% more damage.


Pokemon Go Central

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