How To Get A Term Insurance Policy To Cover A Home Loan?

Madeeha khan
3 min readDec 14, 2022


Every person has a particular set of goals and aspirations that they have as they are growing up and work toward achieving them throughout their lives. The list of people’s dreams is endless and includes things like buying a car, traveling to a country they’ve always wanted to visit, serving their country, and so on.

Purchasing a home is a major financial goal for the majority of people. People look for the ideal place to call home for years while saving up their money. A young family today would have a very difficult time affording a home on their own. The majority of people choose a home loan to support their dream.

Home loan insurance is a type of insurance, much like term insurance, that will pay off your outstanding loan balance in the event of your untimely death and spare your family the burden of making the loan payments. Banks and other financial institutions that offer home loans also offer home loan insurance plans, which are frequently bundled and legally required to be sold alongside the loan you choose. It will give you protection up until the loan is paid off in full.

The home loan protection plan’s sum assured will gradually decrease over time, and if you pass away before paying off the loan in full, this insurance will cover the outstanding balance. The cost of this plan, however, may be higher than it would be for a standard term plan because you typically have to pay the entire premium upfront.

5 Things You Should Do If You’re Getting Term Insurance Just To Cover Your Home Loan

1)Calculate The Right Amount

You must determine the appropriate level of coverage for your family before purchasing a term insurance policy. It should be a sufficient amount to help your family maintain a comfortable standard of living even after your passing. You must consider all of your debts, outgoings, liabilities, and assets to determine the right amount of coverage for your family.

2)Choose The Lump-Sum Payout Option

You can usually alter the claim payout option in term plans. This implies that you are free to decide how you want your family to be compensated in the event of your passing. There are typically three choices: a lump sum, a monthly income, or a combination of both. We advise choosing the Lump-sum claim payout option so that your family will receive the full claim amount all at once if the primary reason you purchased term insurance was to help pay off the mortgage. They can use this money to pay off the loan and fully take control of the home.

3)Choose A Policy Duration To Match The Duration Of The Loan Repayment

The length of the policy’s term or duration determines how long it will be in effect (provided you pay all your premiums on time). Make sure the term of the policy at least matches or even exceeds the length of the loan repayment when choosing a term insurance plan to protect your family from a home loan. By doing this, you can be sure that you or your term plan will pay off the loan in full, and your family will never have to deal with the burden of payments.

4)Take Your Family Through Policy Details

You won’t always be available to support your family. Therefore, when you purchase a term insurance plan, we advise you to sit down and go over the specifics of the policy with your family, especially the nominee. By doing this, your nominee and family will understand the claim settlement amount and the procedure and will be able to make the necessary preparations.

5)Keep All The Documents In One Place

You must keep your policy and all other important papers together. You can either install an app or else you can set up an e-insurance account, store all necessary documentation there, and then give your nominee access to the account information. This will guarantee that they can easily access all the documents and that there are no obstacles in the way of the claim settlement procedure.

